How to Evaluate Your Performance Regularly and Keep Notes

in motivation •  3 years ago 

Do you think you're a good sport or not? Evaluate your performance regularly and keep in mind to reward yourself! If you make a mistake, you have the opportunity to correct it. And if you do well, then you deserve a pat on the back! Or, if you get an award, treat yourself to something nice. It doesn't really matter what it is as long as you remember to reward yourself.

Are you self-conscious about making mistakes? Evaluate your performance and see how you can improve. Do you always get angry when things go wrong? Consider doing something constructive instead of just venting. You might find that it helps to improve your self esteem.

If you think that you work too hard, are underpaid or don't get proper breaks, then these things are affecting your self esteem. To improve, you have to be more assertive in your duties and expectations. Look for opportunities where you can get some extra spending money.

When you feel down or lack self esteem, you should first take a look at why you feel that way. Is it because of something that someone did to you? If so, you should apologize and make it right. Don't let it bring down your professional relationship with them. If you're in sales, try training people on how to better sell products and services. Being confident and knowing how to communicate can help improve your self esteem.

Did you know that your health can also affect your self esteem? If you're feeling unhealthy, it's likely affecting your self esteem. Evaluate your eating habits and the foods you eat on a regular basis. Consider taking supplements to gain the nutrients you need. Your body will thank you! Get plenty of exercise as well and go for walks regularly.

We tend to compare ourselves to others, and not to ourselves. This is one way we use our resources (money, talent, etc.) to try to impress others. How many times do you find yourself comparing your self to others and trying to see the best in them just to impress them? If this is a habit, then it's not helping your self esteem, so break it!

One of the keys to improving self esteem is learning to be comfortable with who you are as a person. Evaluate your behavior and your self talk each day, and remember to compliment yourself. Appreciating your good qualities and expressing your gratitude for them will make you feel better about yourself, which will also help to boost your performance.

Remember: self esteem is not something that you can build up over the course of time. It has to be a conscious effort by you each day to treat yourself with respect and dignity. You'll feel much more confident, secure and motivated if you start to value yourself at an appropriate level. So remember, if your performance isn't quite up to scratch, evaluate your performance and reward yourself!

If you've been given feedback in the past that has been really positive, take the time to thank the individual that gave it to you. This will reaffirm to you that they know how much you appreciate and respect them. Also, be careful not to give too much information about yourself. Focus on the things you do well and work hard at. This will show them what a good worker you are.

Set achievable, realistic goals that are within your power. Setting big goals that you won't be able to achieve but that you'd like to achieve nevertheless will help you to focus on the task at hand, to stay focused and to help you stay motivated. Set smaller goals that you will be able to achieve in a week, month, or year. When you meet your goals, reward yourself by doing whatever it takes to achieve them - this could include working out, eating healthy or taking part in a charity event.

Always remember that if you are not concentrating on your performance or you have let it go so far that it's starting to effect other areas of your life, then you need to reassess where you are now and where you want to be. Achieving your goals is vital, but if you aren't living life to the fullest, then you won't enjoy your achievements and will feel low as a result. Self esteem is all about believing in yourself and being confident in your abilities, so don't be afraid to reach for the stars if you need to!

Evaluate your performance regularly and keep notes, writing in a journal if you can. You should be able to see clear signs of self esteem issues if there is a dip in your self esteem. There are also online self esteem quizzes you can take, which will help you gauge your level of self worth and identify any issues. Rewarding yourself is another great way to boost your self esteem, especially when the rewards fit in with your performance. Everyone wants to be recognized for their efforts, and giving yourself a small pat on the back for a job well done is an excellent way to start!

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