All humans wants to succeed, everybody wants to be a successful man or woman.
Sometimes it may be emotionally or financially.
Still majority go half way in it, some quite the journey half way.
Those successful people you see today, are sometimes held in high esteem. You may want to think that these people are better than you, or they started more better than you or maybe they have this attributes and you don’t.
But in real sense, most of these people you see today, they choose to embrace their disabilities and learn from their mistakes.
Suffering brings a new partway
You may want to say shit...
What has this got to do with me? Do I need to suffer at all? Suffering in one’s life sometimes can lead to new paths, a new way of seeing things, and success. Suffering sometimes makes success harder to achieve, but after all, we become stronger once we emerge from it. Life has taught us so many lesson we could learn from.
I was reading about the fittest guy on earth today, I was shocked about what I saw.
He was onced as fat as you could ever think of. But today all the media wants to hear him speak.
STAY STRONG “whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.” if a person is suffering from disabilities, he/she must learn to do and see things differently. You’ve got to gain success through hard work, strong beliefs, commitments and dedication.
I was reading a post by @dobartim -where he said “Learning. Making money is boring, requires routine behavior, discipline, and regularity. Creative inspiration comes from dedicated learning”.
The 28th President of the United States if we can still remember Woodrow Wilson, suffered from stroke and dyslexia almost all his entire life, but through determination and hard work he still became a president and a professor at Princeton University, and an author of a book on George Washington.
You may have your own idea on this, but inevitably, the truth from this is that suffering cause a lot of damages sometimes. some people choose to quit and become the opposite of successful, but in my own perspective and believe, I know that suffering definitely makes us stronger in either ways, and lands us in success. because everything we learn through the process of suffering are beneficial to the growth of an individual.
However I will advise you to learn to take advantage of your disabilities and suffering. Suffering and success go hand in hand,
It is what defines you as an individual and prepares you for what is to come.