in motivation •  7 years ago 

Hello steemians,

It has been such a great day,I wish everybody a happy 2018 in advance, You and I know God has really been faithful except you don't know what God has done for you. That you are reading this post, you are really blessed. Now I am going to share with all steemians Top ways to be successful in 2018. Definitely, every one wants to be successful. Am sure year 2018 will be great with God on our sides and with us doing the right thing at the right time. I am also going to advice that you all should surround yourself with people that set or motivate you up for success. If we don't walk with the right people, things might not go right or go well.

These are the things I discovered for you to be successful in year 2018

    You all know first things first. God is the only way maker, He is the maker of the success you are aspiring for. When you have God, things become so easy for you. I am a living testimony of God's grace.
    Do not focus on your past failures, God was simply preparing you for success,so don't think it is finished. There is an adage that says 'When there is life, there is hope'.

    How has 2017 been so far for you? Were there some target you just didn't meet? Where there things that stopped you from achieving those dreams? Were there challenges you encountered and had discouraged you from pursuing your dreams? Steemians, it is never too late than not to just start. You can bring those dreams together and start doing things to make them come to reality in 2018 and remember God never gives you a dream that matches your budget, He is checking your faith as to know whether you are capable of using the faith because the Bible says 'When you have faith, you will see the Glory of God. So I implore you to be patient not to do the wrong thing.

    I used to say something to myself that those you mingle with determines your future and what to become of you. When you follow the right people, you will surely do the right thing and when you follow the wrong people,it's certain you do the wrong thing. My friend used to tell me regardless of how a situation might be, always think positive about that situation. Having the motive that your dreams are too big, how do you want to start, am I not too small to start this big project, can actually kill your dreams. There are some kind of friends, I call them impossibility friends that are just there to minimize people's dream, you wouldn't be able to move on with such dreams with them around you and that is how 2018 will go without you having accomplished your dreams. Work with people that set you up for success, people that motivate, help and pray for others success. Regardless of how big the dream is, have it in mind that you can do it and always pray about everything.

    This is always a big issue. For your dreams to be accomplished, you need to be bold and really believe in yourself. If you don't believe in yourself, who will? It is that self confidence you have in yourself that makes people a respecter of your dream. Be true to yourself and live your life consistent with your highest values and aspirations.

    Dear steemians, this part is much more important. If you want to be great and successful in 2018 and more years to come, consistency is the key. Imagine you opened a new steemit account and the few days you have seen your hardworking friends making it big on steemit and you are not, you relent and the spirit is no longer there, no way of success for such a steemian. A big way to make it on steemit is consistency, you are always there to add to post, comment, upvote and all that, it will pay a big time. So you having a dream is not just it, but being consistent in making that dream a reality is the key.

    Nothing good comes easy, you have to keep pushing and pushing. Don't give up or let go of your dreams. Things will be hard we know, it will be tough, we know, but at the end, you have a story to tell,Just keep the ball rolling.

    What does vision mean? Vision is the ability of sight. It is also the ability or an instance of great perception.
    Something imaginary one thinks one sees. Look at your general life, your business, your relationship, your health, your academics, your family, there is sure a greater height to the status of what I just listed. You want your business to look different, you want your relationship to work more than it is presently, those are the visions you are seeing and you are really thinking things must change in 2018. It is a good start that you have seen the vision.

    When i mean making your goals clear, I mean be specific. Everyone wants to make money, having a clear goal is been specific of how much you want that money to turn out for you in 2018. 'I want to make 100 000 per month', 'I want to take my family out 2 times a month', that is you being specific.

    Planning makes things easier. When you know me, you had know I cannot live well without planning. When you don't plan, things are not outlined properly, you just do things as it comes. Time and money start controlling you because there have been no rigorous planning on your life, your goals, visions and dream, and by the end of 2018, you cannot give a good details on how successful you are. So planning is a very important thing. Always plan, make it a part of you, plan your day, plan your life and you will surely arrive at a better end.

    Finally steemians, in every thing you do, every plan you make, always give yourself deadline and be very disciplined with every deadline made. Whatever deadline you make for yourself, treat it like your success is going to end if you cannot meet the deadline. BE DISCIPLINED!

In conclusion,
Mingle with people that are eager to succeed in a good way through hard work. Make 2018 fun, Be very kind to yourself, stay positive, get rid of stagnating thought, stay away from distractions, don't rely on others and focus on commitment.


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that's really good post. really inspiring

@hamza007 thank you.

As am already trying to mingle wt you a success filled 2018 to you too

Thanks for sharing this with us before crossover. Its a great food for thought. God keep us all in Jesus Name.