Motivation for elite students!

in motivation •  7 years ago 

  Hi elite students, this time we are going to talk about something very important for all students, it's about motivation, this moves us when we are doing an activity, with motivation we feel that impulse to do everything in the best possible way.


  As students, motivation is very essential, with it we will be able to complete our study sessions and more important, with it we will start them.

  Now the big question is: how to motivate us? When choosing our university career or continuing our studies in primary and secondary school we do it because we are passionate about that career, we feel that this career will provide us the tools and attitudes to perform a professional job we have always wanted to do, a good way to maintain that love for our career is informing us about the advances that occur in that area of interest, on the internet we can find a lot of information that will nourish us and show us new and interesting things related to that topic we are so passionate about it.


  The YouTube platform plays a very important role in this point since it allows us to watch an infinity quantity of videos related to our career, see other people commenting and enjoying what catches our attention definitely makes us more attracted to perform that activity. In social networks there are a lot of groups for all topics, belonging to these groups is important as we share with people who feel our same taste for our topics of interest, sharing our opinions with these people will make us feel more alive and motivated.


  In the universities or educational centers there are usually student groups that investigate or develop in that subject which catches our attention, to be part of this type of groups is very important because it will allow you to relate to other people and you can receive different points of view. In case there is no group that catches your attention in your student community you can always be the pioneer and open your own group to start calling people who have the same tastes as you.


  Now let's mention a small detail related with motivation, this is often not constant, sometimes we tend to lose it. There are times when we feel very driven to perform a certain activity but after a certain time we don´t feel that impulse and we feel tired, that is when we need to use another great tools of success, discipline, this is no more that the maintenance of a certain type of behavior, it is to maintain consistency in our actions, discipline will help us with the creation of habits, in our case we need good study habits.

  A good elite student is always organized and plans his study hours during the week, he selects certain blocks of hours in which he will sit down to study, the discipline is what will help him to fulfill his study schedules, at the beginning this can be a little bit complicated, that's where the student should show character and fulfill their activities, but not everything seems so rough and complicated, thanks to the discipline and perseverance the student will create a habit, this habit will create the student the need to complete their study hours, for example, suppose that there is a student who got tired of getting low grades, and one day decided he wanted to be the best student in the classroom, he set up a good study schedule that covered 5 days of the week and he began to execute it, he began his day of study at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, he proposed to start his study hours at this time 5 days a week, at the beginning it was very complicated, his body and mind weren´t used to this type of regime, his mind told him that there were better things to do. The first days his mind would look for any excuse trying to not sit down to study, it was then when he decided to silence that voice that resonated in his head and decided to complete his schedule, there is an asian method called the 5 minute rule, this consists of doing an activity that displeases us for 5 minutes and after those 5 minutes have passed our brain will want to finish what he started, this was the technique used by our young student to complete their study days, he fought against procrastination those first 5 minutes and when he finished he remembered why he was studying and he began to feel the taste for that subject that he was studying and began to enjoy their hours of study.


  This young man has a particularity thing that made him successful in his future exams and qualifications, he enjoyed what he was studying, we must remember that if we don´t like or don´t care about the career we are studying, we will never achieve success, never we will be elite students, only feeling passion for what we do we will never be forced to do a task, we will feel excitement when we do it.

  Watch videos, movies, go to exhibitions, talk with different people about what we are studying, are very effective methods to remember how beautiful and great can be what we are studying, these things will help to remind us why we started with this activity.

  I hope this post has been very helpful, in the coming days we will be publishing more content for those who wish to be elite students. Come to the comments section to find out your opinion and inform me if you want more content like this, many greetings.


Source: Own image

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