How Do You Handle Challenges and Obstacles On Your Way To Success

in motivation •  7 years ago 

If a person tells you he/she does not have anything to worry about, then that person is living an incomplete and purposeless life. In life, there is always an obstacle to overcome but the difference between a victor and a victim is the way they see the situation.

There is always a problem to encounter before having progress. This is true in most instances around us.
Before flight can occur, gravity must be conquered.
Before you can be the first in a race, you have to overtake your opponents.
If you want to eat a food, you have to overcome the process of cooking, frying, boiling, heating, cooling and so on.

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In other to succeed, you need to get past the obstacles in your path.

How do you see the obstacles around you. Do you see them as stepping stones or as stumbling stones?

If you believe you can, then you can

Nothing comes easy at all. A lot of people believe that obstacles in life are obstructions and are things they cannot overcome. Some people even pass through problems as they journey the road of success and at that point, they become helpless and start doing the needless instead of doing the needful. This can be illustrated with this example.

A man is driving his car to the office, he is supposed to resume at 8:00 AM. On his way to the office, his car brakes down, he looks at the time and the time is 7:40 AM, the next thing he could think of is pray for God to send him help. Praying is not a bad thing but the timing might be wrong. The best thing he could have done was either call a mechanic or take a cab and with that, he would have overcome his obstacles.

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Life is filled with problems everywhere. Each problem is either seen as an adventure or as a limitation. You either decide to take each problem as they come every day and overcome them or you remain with one and allow it overcome you, giving the opportunity to another minor obstacle bring you down.

I bargained with Life for a penny,
And Life would pay no more,
However I begged at evening
When I counted my scanty store;

For Life is just an employer,
He gives you what you ask,
But once you have set the wages,
Why, you must bear the task.

I worked for a menial's hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.” ― Jessie B. Rittenhouse

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I just read this motivating is very wonderful and great. You must strive to succeed, overcome gravity to fly do all that matters and beat the obstacle in your way. No one was born with success but they worked hard to be successful. I must make it and i am determined to. Thank you for this.

Thanks a lot for reading my post, I'm glad you enjoyed it

you cant get to the next level without overcoming the challnges on that present level.

challenges should be your bread, the bigger your challenge, the bigger your success should be,

You cant get pure Gold with low heat, the hotter the heat, the purer the Gold will be

so don't think suicide when you face challnegs, there is light at the end of the tunnel

One should always have a fighting spirit,because in this life we are there must be challanges, it then depends on the way one handles it. Thanks one more time @gbenga i was really inspired

Truer words have never been said.
Even Our Savior and GOD told us that you will encounter obstacles, but fear not, you will overcome.
He never said the ride would be smooth. I wonder why people think so.. 🤔 .
Well said @sir gbenga

Beautiful! Seeing obstacles as a stepping stone, having an optimistic outlook in life is a winners attitude every time. Thank you for sharing these thoughts

###Focus on commitment, not motivation.

ask for data, not results.

###Make the journey fun.
###Get obviate stagnating thoughts.
###Use your imagination.
###Stop being nice to yourself.
###Get obviate distractions.
###Don’t have confidence others.
###Protect yourself from burnout.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Everyone have one challenge or obstacles they are facing but the ability to overcome any obstacle in life makes you stronger for the next stage, You don't run from them you face them. My dad always says "there is no rest till death " as long as you are alive, challenges will come, solving those Challenges makes you a victor. Nice post sire @gbenga

I like the peom added to it,so inspiring

Challenges are essential for growth and success. Overcoming this challenges shows we are ready for the next level in life.

Thanks for sharing @gbenga

Each problem is either seen as an adventure or as a limitation

It definetly is. Thanks


Life's biggest opportunities most often than not camouflage as challenges and the resulting EVENTUALITY is a FUNCTION of Man's RESPONSIBILITY

In the past, I saw challenges as an obstacle. I was constantly complaining and feeling as a victim of my circumstances. Once I realized that my approach was wrong and I change my perspective, I was able to learn from hardships and level up. It is all about perspective. Awesome points you made here

Success is not costly, the price you pay is hardwork, devotion and dedication to set of activities needed to carry out a task.

Every obstacle and challenge need strategies and tactics to surmount them. The ability to creatively profer solution to a need leads to realization of goal.

Thank you Sir, as always you never disappoint in delivery, every obstacle in a stepping stone for higher levels of success, the fire to succeed can quench by no water, or wind or dust, because succeed we must.

Nice write-up. Prayer, truly is good and it works but wisdom is also important to know when to pray and when to work.

Hmm, this part of your post is so powerful

I worked for a menial's hire,
Only to learn, dismayed,
That any wage I had asked of Life,
Life would have paid.” ― Jessie B. Rittenhouse

This is one of the most powerful and motivational sentences I ever heard.

It's true life gives you what you demand and not what you deserve, which is why we should strive to overcome those obstacles.

This life is always filled up with challenges, If you can't face a small challenge you can't grow, nobody will say he or she doesn't have a challenge but how you stand up to face it is always the point. Go with this that challenges are stepping stones to greater achievement, at the end of every tunnel, there is always a light

In other to succeed, you need to get past the obstacles in your path.

That is the summary and purpose of life. Purpose is the sense that It is not possible to achieve success without those obstacles many dread and if you are such a one who wants to be a force to be reckoned with, then obstacles is a must.
Thank you Gbenga for sharing

Problems are integral part of human existence as they are life's inevitable but our ability to conquer and come out victorious makes us who we are.

Each problem is either seen as an adventure or as a limitation

The mindset at every point truly matters.
People on the plain view would always see and gave what they are looking for.

Every obstacle should be a stepping stone