You Never Know What You Are Capable Of Until You Give It A Try

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)

Some years back, I tried driving a car (although, I am not still sure I can drive one yet [hahaha]) that was my first time and I was nervous. I really wanted to have that feeling for the first time, I wanted to experience how it was when you are at the front of a car steering moving the car the way I wanted it to go.
My elder cousin had told me a night before that he was going to let me use our uncle's car to learn and get a first time experience, but he would allow me when my uncle had gone to the office.

When I heard this, I was very happy, although I was scared. I had this strange fear being the first time. But I had this excitement. {The same thing we feel when haven't tried something out}.

That night, I couldn't sleep, I couldn’t wait for the day to come quickly and at the same time I was praying the night stayed forever. My elder cousin had already told his friends to come to the house the next day, to see me drive a car for the first time and they promised not to miss it for any reason.


Soon the cock crowed and the day was bright. A very beautiful morning. I had to do some house chores and soon my uncle had gone to work.

I became sick immediately and I went to cover myself. I knew that the sickness was based on the fact that I wanted to run away from my fear. My cousin understood immediately he saw me and laughed. He forced to the car and gave me the keys. I had been receiving a whole lot of theoretical training.


When I got into the car, I realize I could move the car and it was fulfilling.

So many of us have spent our lives running away from our fears, seeing them as our biggest impossibility. One thing fear does is to make you see your weakness, it makes you see impossibilities rather than impossibilities.

You never know what you capable of doing until you give it a try.

The journey always seems impossible when you are yet to start but it becomes your favorite when you master the act.

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One thing i have learnt in life is there is no shortcut to get to success. You have to walk down the road and let the road pass through you...face your fears and become victorious. Am glad i read this today.

One thing fear does is to make you see your weakness, it makes you see impossibilities rather than possibilities.

Fear is a devourer of destiny. Do you know how many have run away from pursuing their dreams because of fear, dreams that would have fulfilled them? Fear is man's greatest enemy, it hampers fore-sight and makes a man scurry into a hole when he should be doing exploits. Thank you for sharing this motivational piece.

So true! I wrote a piece about the fear of the unknown, so I connect with you very deeply on the topic... That our emotional state can affect us physiologically, is also very true...hence the sick feeling you developed.

Nothing beats conquering our fears, like taking courage and moving on....beautiful write up @gbenga!

The journey always seems impossible when you are yet to start but it becomes your favorite when you master the act.



Thanks dear sharing the motivational post.

@gbenga please go through your post and correct this(I could wait for the day to come quickly)and this (He forced to the car and gave me the keys)thanks for the encouraging words.


If you never try or take that chance you will never know or succeed.Even if you fail it will just make you better at it.

Excellent post

Better late than never

Anxiety, it ate me from the inside for two decades due many personal problems but it's not stopping me anymore.

As simple and ordinary as this story may be, taking the fact that courage and taking a step helps us achieve and attain our goals

so true... we run from our fears and we later find out the fears we run from never left us.

the journey always seems impossible when you are yet to Start but it becomes your favorite when you master the act

I remember vividly the day am about to pay my in-law a visit for the very first time...the night become the day... I fell sick.. Am afraid on what the outcome might be.
Thanks for sharing @gbenga

Thanks for shareing this post....:)

Fear makes simple thing difficult. To overcome the fear, you have to face it anyway. And you did it. Thank you @gbenga for sharing this story!

I usually become restless when I'm about to try out a new thing. Fear always set in grabbing us at our weakest point making us vulnerable but it's nothing. It's just not real, it's all living in my mind. My last post was on fear too..

That's so true,there is a great potential lock up in every man,people need to learn and know how to bring their potential out,you will be a amazed to know what you can do when you bring out purpose from the inside,God has put so much in us,what you think you have is nothing to what is inside you.

I believe there are only two major destroyer of destinies, FEAR and LAZINESS, whoever can deal with these two has a high tendency for success, thanks for the post Sir. I pray you keep conquering fear as you grow IJN.

Hmm...and to think fear is the reason for 3/4 of the things I didn’t do and haven’t done, to the extent that I wrote a post on it. This is absolutely well written... Fear is an invisible emotion that we give power to steal the visible. It practically robs you of everything including failure. Everyone has to fail at something at a point in time but the great thing is, we learn from it. However, we succeed as well. Why not then damn this fear and forge ahead anyway.


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