A change in attitude might take you closer to where you want to be.

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)

Is it not surprising how everyone seems to be talking about life? These days it seem like an hour old child seems to know so much about life, especially the cruelsome and negative aspect of it. So to speak, in a lot of people could even in their sleep describe hardship and how life is treating everyone badly- right?

Apparently , some people are quick enough to lament about how they are not living a happy life, how their boss is not paying them well and how if they are the president-things will get better.

Too fast to blame others for our misfortune and wish all day that everything is alright without the right altitude.

I have heard where it is said, "the raise is not for the strongest or the fastest, but for those that the Lord shows mercy upon. Yes, the strong may say to themselves, "I have all it takes, the charisma, intelligence and what have you?" while the fastest boast, I can get there in a jiffy- I have all it takes."

But you find out that at the end of the day, mere men, weak and troubled get to the finishing line before anyone else.

What am talking about

It is not enough to work hard, or strive to be the best in the game without the proper atitude. Without a genuine atitude of himility and one accord within oneself. Even when you try to fake it, things will continue to go wrong somewhere.

The humility and one accord spirit is understanding your nothingness. It is putting the ego and pride in you aside, it is accepting that you are just a poor handmade. It has nothing to do with bossing others around or thinking you made to be at the top only.

It is a spirit of calmness, love for yourself and others. It has nothing to do with you deserving more than others...

The moment we change our attitude towards life, things will start moving well. Like I keep saying, it is not enough to work hard, 8hours daily and probably does not have time for anything or one, it is about changing our attitude, those habits that turns our labour into drudgery.

You do not give people naughts and expect to get nuts. Be nice, apologize, be sweet, speak softly, politely. Think before you act, forgive, be free in your heart and soul. Nothing lasts for ever. Don't expect good people to stay always and do not feel bad when they leave, rather be an example and spread what you learnt in the course of their stay.

Bad times does not last forever, what ever you do have that at the back of your mind. Do not think that you are deserving of everything good, that is why you should be happy even when things are not so good as you expect.

Above all learn to mind your business. The book poor dad rich dad made this clear and ever since I mastered to mind my business, life does not come on me with hard blows. I am practically prepared for anything at anytime.

Till I come your way again, I remain yours @gloglo. My mission is to help motivate you in anyway possible. Help in anyways that I can and be a friend. I love people and places and see everyone as one- no one is superior over the other, only God is the superior being.

I can be your counsellor, your adviser and your friend. I want you to live life to the fullest with the right altitude. Have a good life, you are one step away to success do not forget this. All it takes is the right attitude and humility at heart and soul. Stay blessed. I remain @gloglo.


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Hi @gloglo

Right attitude attracts and rewards. It is like sowing a seed which brings hervest over time.

I couldn't have agreed less. It sure makes a great difference.

Finest bae... U look stunning 😘.
. And great advice @gloglo

Thanks alot @ozurumba. How are you? It's good to have you around. Super profile you have there... keep steeming.

Thanks so much @glogo I'm doing fine.. I appreciate!

Thanks for the inspiration. I agree

The moment we change our attitude towards life, things will start moving well.

Hi @orhem. Thank you.

This article has been of great value. Thank you.

Am very glad that it was. Stay blessed man✌

I agree with you and your post is very good.
Thanks for sharing..dear

Thank you very much @hirshan. It's good to have you around.

Awwn, glo issa fine gurl......nice one

hahah... thank you my friend.

Amalicha, you are welcome

This is absolutely true. Attitude can be everything.
I've seen talented people get rejected where they are qualified because they lack the right attitude to either handle people or to be in that position.
Nice read for me this morning.

very true @mr-aaron. Some people make the mistake of thinking and feeling that they have everything. But actually when you look it life, little things... just a liitle is what raises people up and those little things are what tge might consider as nothing.

Am glad you enjoyed this read. Stick around for more.

Definitely, thanks for the response.

"Bad times never last forever, be positive" GOT IT!

Your posts always stir up courage within me to face the day ahead ma'am. Thank you.

@gloglo you were flagged by a worthless gang of trolls, so, I gave you an upvote to counteract it! Enjoy!!