If you are having trouble getting started then perhaps the reason for this is that you are thinking very big. If you want to exercise, then you might be thinking that five days a week is intensely workout. No - take small baby steps instead. Just exercise for two minutes. I know this may sound strange to you. It's so easy, you can not fail But you do it. Just a few crunches, 2 pushups, and a little jogging. When you do this for 2 minutes for a week, then increase it to five minutes, and do it for a week. In one month you will start doing 15-20 minutes. Want to get up early in the morning? Do not think of getting up at five o'clock in the morning, instead of it you should get up to 10 minutes in advance for a week. Once you've done this, then get up 10 minutes and get up early. Baby Steps
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