Just this evening scrolling down my blockfolio app, seeing different rate at which some prospective coins are dipping . I was surprised and seriously learnt a great lesson of life though not a new lesson but it seems fresh and new to me as I myself have invested in some of this coins.
No condition is permanent
At times we all feel things ain't working for our good, we feel everything is working against us but I tell you everything can change in a matter of seconds. Things can get better as long as you are still breathing and striving for a change. Things can still get better if you refuse to give up, and you choose to be strong and courageous. All you need is keep believing you are almost at the luminous end of the tunnel.
Not leaving those that life is treating fairly aside; No condition is permanent so the more reason you should be smart and careful when the journey of life is fair to you. Invest in things that you think can improve your life, never get too comfortable and invest in as much life as you can.
life is only fair to those that knows how best to take their chances, not just take their chances but understand the only constant thing in life is change and are prepared for a possible change
Therefore, always be prepared for anything during the smooth sail of life because you never can tell when the tides will be stormy. And those currently at the receiving end of the lash of life don't give up and all will turn up for good.