in motivation •  2 years ago  (edited)

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Adopt these simple habits in your day to day life for more productive day and better life.

01 Plan Your Day in advance

  • One of the best productive strategies of highly successful people to plan days activities in previous night.
  • Get more time and helps focus on your goals/activities

02 Follow Pareto Principle

  • The Pareto principal states that 80 % of all outcome derived from 20% of causes.
  • Invest more of your energy and time on specific tasks that create big impacts or results to maximize productivity
  • In short follow 80/20 rule ( 20% tasks giving 80% results)

03 Create Morning Ritual

  • Getting up early in the morning, do exercise, meditate, read inspiring book, make daily goals/List priorities
  • So, own your morning to elevate your life

04 Get enough Sleep

  • Enough sleep/rest is very important for your body to get recharged and energized
  • Quality of sleep (min 6 hrs) is important than how much you sleep
  • Not getting enough rest/sleep will adversely impact your mood and concentration

So these are 4 simple yet powerful habits you can adopt in your day to day life to maximize productivity and also these habits can reduce your problems substantially.

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