Inspirational Message : How to Stay Motivated?

in motivation •  7 years ago 

WHAT is your reason for working so hard? What drives you to wake up early and go home late from your workplace? Why are you enduring the pressure and stress of your job? Is it because of your goals? Responsibilities? Or both? Whatever your reasons are, they should be enough to keep you going. You have to remind yourself of the primary reasons why you are working in the first place.

Most people works to provide for their respective families. Some are breadwinners who takes care of their family's daily expenses. No matter how much they want to slow down for a bit and take a break, they found it hard to do so because it would greatly impact their family's budget. Some people work to achieve their goals such as being able to explore and travel around the world. While others work to prove something to themselves or to the people around them.

We're working for the salary and we have to admit that. This is all because of money. We need money to be able to fulfill our responsibilities and achieve our goals. So whenever you feel tired and less motivated to go to work, remind yourself of your bills or your plans. They should be enough to drag yourself to work. I'm not saying that you should endure your job even when it's already unhealthy for you. I'm saying that if you still want to keep your job, you have to find reasons to feel motivated. Motivation keeps you going and it makes your tasks a bit easier to do.

Always have something to look forward to. Your responsibilities can be too heavy of a load to carry that's why it would really help if you make future plans to keep you motivated. For example, you are aiming to travel in a few months, then you'd be more inclined to work harder because you need to save for an upcoming vacation. Remind yourself that eventhough you're having a hard time with your job right now, that's okay because you'd pamper yourself real soon anyway.

If we only have a choice, it would be nice to just stay at home without following orders from our boss. Maybe start a business and make it work using our own capabilities. That can happen soon. But as long as we need our jobs, we need to face its hardships and demands by trying to keep ourselves motivated no matter how tough it is.

Hope you Get Inspired :)


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“if you still want to keep your job, you have to find reasons to feel motivated” absolutely true. This is such a good motivation especially for first time workers like me. Focus on your goals. Do what you love. Love your job. Thankyou for sharing this post. Feeling motivated! :)

I grind because God put a gift inside of me and that gift is within the grind.

I will not even lie, I like money, I stress because I have bills to disburse, I use all my available gifts and even learn new things to make money. The moral is that I will not kill for money...

thank you for the motivation. Yes, the 'reason' why we are working should be stronger than our disappointment at work.

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