in motivation •  8 years ago 


Success runs from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm

Life is always full of choices.Choose your thoughts, feelings and good actions, so that goodness comes in your life.

Life is short, be the best and do your best.

Most people who fail not because they do not have the ability, but only because they are not sure can achieve it.

Being old is for sure. Being an adult is an option.

Be grateful in sincerity.All the spaciousness of life will surely open.

Make people proud around you, including your parents

Prove that if you can and become better for people who think you are weak.

It's never too late to start, and no word gives up before trying.

Prove yourself to be better today.Stop complaining, let's move!

It's never too late to start.

Like a poison, pride will only kill us slowly, but surely.

Eliminating the past is unlikely, it ever existed. But he is a comparison and a teacher for the future.

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