in motivation •  7 years ago 

A * BOTTLE * 🍶
~ If filled with mineral water, it costs 3 thousands ...
~ If filled fruit juice, hargan yes 10 thousands ...
~ If filled Honey, it costs hundreds of thousands ...
~ If filled with perfume the price could be millions !.
~ If filled with water, it will only be thrown in the trash because there is no price ...

  • Equally packaged in BOTTLE but different in value, because the "content" in it is different ... *

So it is with us; all the same ... all human ...

What distinguishes it is; * CHARACTER * that is within us.

Science and correct understanding will build true character.

  • "Success is not measured from the position we achieve, but from the difficulty'2 we managed to overcome when trying to achieve success" *

_When we fill our hearts, with the regrets of the past & the worries of the future, we almost certainly will not have today to be grateful.

Ujanthe rain & storm will always we meet in the journey of life, but ..._

  • "The big rain is like a life challenge No need to pray for rain to stop, but just pray that our Umbrella grows stronger" *

*Remember! Age is like ice cubes. *
dipakai or not used will still melt ... used or not used our age will still be reduced from the "quota" which has been set.

  • "While we still have our age left, do as much GOODS as we can." *

🎯 There are 3 things in life that can not go back:

    1. Time*
    1. Speech *
    1. Chance*
      Take care of it, lest you regret it ...

🎯 There are 3 things that can destroy a person's life:

    1. Anger*
    1. Arrogance *
    1. Revenge*
      Avoid it always ...

🎯 There are 3 things that should not be lost:

    1. Hope *
    1. Sincerity *
    1. Honesty *
      Keep all three ...

🎯 There are 3 things that are most valuable:

    1. Affection *
    1. Love *
    1. Kind *
      Cultivate it all ...

🎯 There are 3 things in life that are never certain:

    1. Wealth*
    1. Glory *
    1. Dream*
      Do not obsess over it ...

🎯 There are 3 things that can shape a person's character:

    1. Commitment*
    1. Sincerity*
    1. Hard work*
      Try your best ...

🎯 There are 3 things that make us successful:

    1. Determination *
    1. Will*
    1. Focus*
      Try earnestly ...

🎯 There are 3 things we never know:

    1. Fortune *
    1. Age *
    1. Soul mate *
      Ask God.

🎯 BUT, there are 3 things in life that SURE:

    1. Old *
    1. Sick *
    1. Dead *
  • Prepare with the best ... *

Do not keep it to yourself but share it with others


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