Daily motivation

in motivation •  5 years ago 




Am I trying to sell you something?

Nope. Unless you count motivation: but I am giving that to you for freeeee. Like I said in the post, you don't need to buy anything you don't prolly have already. You just need willpower, trust, time, honesty & dedication!

What is this game & what is the purpose?

"Working by the Hour" is a time management game meant to increase a person's productivity as well as motivate them to get better every day. Most people don't pay attention to the time they spend slacking & when they are having fun & wasting time they can lose track of it.

The ultimate goal of the game is to help the user/player to manage their time & to control the way they spend their hours day by day. Playing this should make the person feel like they are going somewhere instead of working aimlessly as well as giving them a sense of accomplishment for beating their hourly personal records.

How to play?

The rules are fairly simple. If you have a modern phone you will have the tools needed for 75% of things. All you will need is:

  • an hour to spare;

  • a productive timer;

  • a procrastinating stopwatch;

  • a skill to practice.

  • (Optional: A diary/notepad to write your achievements/stopwatch timers in.)

Thats it. The first three are mandatory, the fourth is entirely optional (but must be something productive). Drawing? Singing? Working on a skill? Pick whatever interests you and start working by the hour.

The next step

Set a timer for an hour & start working. This is your Productive Timer. This timer is set at the start and works until the end: don't touch it. It is meant to tell you how long an hour lasts. When you activate this: the game starts. Don't pause or stop it.

Work for however long you want and, if you feel yourself getting bored or start procrastinating, press the stopwatch. This is Procrastinating Stopwatch, you use it to let you know how long you've been slacking off during your hour. When you start slacking: activate it. When you get back to work: pause it. You use this during your timer and it tells you how long you spent not working.

Beat the timer's hourly countdown without ever pressing the stopwatch
Simple: but be very honest about your stopwatch pressing. This won't work if you aren't honest.

The goal of the game

Your first goal is to start. If you're playing: congratz! You are taking the first step.

Your second goal is to set a record & beat it. If you can't beat it, no worries. The goal is to do this daily & try your best.

Your third goal is to set a stopwatch to zero & have a full productive hour. Not a second of stopwatch used. If you did this, pat yourself on the back.

Your goals after is to beat the multi hours. 6 hours maximum for the day. Every next hour, try to have zero stopwatch usage. If you beat all 6 hours with no stopwatch usage: you win.

But why stop there? Now that you managed to beat 6 hours with no stop watch, you have the perfect base for working on your skills. Keep going, or pick another skill. I'm sure you couldn't beat 6h in that one on first try.

Wanna play? :)




Discuss your challenges that you have, and how to overcome them. If you are stuck, ask for help on finding a solution!

Created at midnight, UTC.

Hey guys I’ll keep this short & sweet.

I’ve never considered myself to be much of a runner or have a good stamina.

However I do exercise regularly (3-6 times per week)

I play soccer & go to the gym and do the occasional hill sprints.

Where I live (Sydney) there’s a 7km running track around the bay near my house. I often walk it twice a week.

Never ever did I believe I would ever be able to run the whole thing, because as stated earlier I was never really into running or had a good stamina.

So I just thought fuck it why not run the first KM see how you go then walk the rest, I wear spectacles and by the time I finished my first KM I had to take them off cause I was getting sweaty lol.

Then it dawned on me, hmm this isn’t to bad I’ll just run that little bit further then stop, then eventually ran that little bit further again.

Eventually I ran the whole damn thing as a sweaty blind man and boy was that sweet, it’s seriously mind over matter never did I think I would accomplish it I feel I broke the mental barrier and will be able to do it again.

Just wanted to share my victory tonight.


I currently suffer from anxiety and depression. I want to create a routine, that could maybe help towards me getting healthier. I will tell you my lifestyle now and any tips and advice would be great.

I work m-f 830-530. I don't exercise, I am super social, but that is more so I am not alone. I hate being alone. Meditating scares me cause the thought of being that isolated mentally scares me. My room is not clean or organized. I just took the next few days off work, so hopefully I can actually organize my room. I don't eat very healthy. I have a very supportive, loving partner who is very understanding and will do anything to help my recovery. I have a lot of self harming thoughts. I do go to therapy every 2 weeks and I am on anti depressants. I drink and do substances enough that it is 100% a coping mechanism.

Anything else you need to know, ask. I am also open to maybe some hobbies you could suggest.

I have to admit that I fell in love twice. First was with you and the second was with the person you became when you were already mine.

  • Unknown

via https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thinkpeak.quotescreator



What future are you downloading?

I use the SelfControl app on my laptop.

Every night, before I unplug for the evening at 8:00 PM, I go to my laptop, open the SelfControl app, thank it for helping me do meaningful and productive work, set it for 24 hours, type in my password, click Enter, close the app, close my laptop, and do the rest of my evening ritual.

I've used this app on and off for a few years but it was only after I implemented this ritual, this set of behaviors and actions, that I was able to show up to my laptop and focus my attention on what I needed to do for the day.

What's going on here?

What it boils down to is shifting my worldview from:

  • I live in a world with objects to be manipulated and used


  • The world I live in is a forum for action

Let's frame this with an example that we all love to hate, and hate to love—porn.

If you're 35-ish or younger and male, the odds of your porn interactions getting a bit out of hand is probably pretty high. I know it's been for me.

For years I desperately tried to quit porn and was never successful. In my mind, porn was an object to be manipulated and controlled by my willpower and self-control. Well THAT never worked.

Over the course of this year, however, I started to paying attention to—well—what I was paying attention to.

I looked at what information I was consuming and how that affected my mood and behavior. I did this on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.

Here's what I mean:

  • Physical—I had some bad eating habits and I no exercise routine and that was starting to catch up to me.
  • Emotional—I was pretty isolated and didn't have any deep and meaningful connections.
  • Mental—This information world of symbols and concepts was largely populated by movies, novels, binging TV shows, Instagram, Facebook, Tinder—passive consumption that depleted my physical and emotional and spiritual reserves.
  • Spiritual—I had nothing greater than myself to connect to. I had no higher purpose.

When I started paying attention to all these domains I began to make small shifts in the information I took in.

  • Physical—I learned about health and nutrition and started making small changes to improve my health.
  • Emotional—I joined a few Meetup groups and connected with people and made deep friendships.
  • Mental—I canceled all my streaming accounts and began to listen to more podcasts and read and listened to books that could help me in my life.
  • Spiritual—With those adjustments, I connected with something deeper and beyond myself that I can tap into when my physical, emotional, or mental reserves are running low. I have a purpose in life, and finding that has made my productivity soar!

But what is "productivity"?

To me, it's pretty simple—productivity is doing meaningful and purposeful work that upholds your values.

I used to think values were a tricky thing—but now I think they're pretty simple.

Values are your beliefs that cannot be upheld by just thinking about them; they can only be upheld and refined through action.

For example, if you are reading this, then you value your life. I'm glad you feel that way, because the world needs you, now more than ever.

So every day, you drink water, eat food, and take care of yourself to uphold this value.

Just thinking about your life isn't going to keep you alive. Nor is an object going to do that for you.

For that, you need to take action through a ritual.

Put another way, a water bottle isn't going to solve your thirst problem.

For that to happen you need to carry out a series of actions you find important to uphold your value.

So, you take the water bottle to the water source —> place water bottle under water spout —> turn on water source —> fill water bottle —> turn off water source —> lift water bottle to lips and tilt —> drink water —> remove water bottle from lips and tilt upright —> repeat as needed for as long as you value your life.

The most important aspect of this ritual is that YOU HAVE TO PAY ATTENTION.

Turn on the water and walk away, you get a spill and wasted water.

Lift water bottle to lips and tilt but miss, you get wet and possibly a cracked tooth.

Paying attention; valuing your attention, is the only way to ensure your water ritual goes smoothly. Not paying attention leads to frustration and extra clean up work. You get mad at the object, but really, it was your improper action and lack of attention that led to the situation. And that's not productive.

You see where I'm going with this?

A productivity app is just a tool. And without proper action and attention; without being clear on your values and structuring rituals around those values, it is absolutely useless.

Wanting to be more productive is a goal, not a value.

Treating your attention as important and sacred is a value, and for me it was THE value that allowed me to generate actions and proper productivity.

The SelfControl app, when treated like an object, did nothing to help me quit porn. And I'm fully aware as I write this on Reddit that porn exists in abundance on this site. SelfControl can't solve my problem with porn, nor can it block all the porn on the internet.

But the ritual I carry out every night at 8:00 PM with SelfControl has allowed me to make the proper actions to uphold those values.

I challenge you to delete whatever productivity apps you have for 30 days, and for the next 30 days, I encourage you to create a new ritual that will help you become crystal clear on what you value and what you're paying attention to, which is the only way to be more productive.

Here it is:

  • Print this calendar and set the date for 30 days starting today.
  • Create a space—like putting a blanket on the floor and maybe lighting a candle if you have one.
  • Sit on the blanket, close your eyes, and ask yourself over and over again, "What do I value?" and, "What am I paying attention to in my life?" Spend a few minutes doing this.
  • Get a notebook dedicated to this task—name it something and set an intention and write it down on the first page. Something like, "This notebook is to help me become clear on my values and what I'm paying attention to."
  • After your meditation, write down your thoughts for a few minutes.

Your brain is the most complex object in the known universe. But it's much slower than the computer you're reading this from.

Think of this 30-day ritual as the first of several programs you're downloading to optimize your operating software, with each day filling up a bit more of your download progress bar. What future are you downloading?

Do it NOW! Speed of implementation is key to success in today’s accelerated world.

Try this exercise and share your answers in the comments.

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