in motivation •  7 years ago 

Sometimes we tend to over think things, we paint this perfect picture in our head(that's always in contrast with our present situation), then we start wondering how this picture will fall into place, and when it seems as if things are not going as we planed it, we begin to think, wonder and even feel depressed.
At those times all we need to do is; take a deep breath, and let those weight just fall, trusting that tomorrow will bring a better fate, trusting that there is a God that directs the affairs of men, trusting that everything will work out for good, that the lines will fall for you in pleasant places.
Stay positive and things will fall into place.


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Nice thoughts..."this too shall pass"...just feel it...let it pass...we try to hard to make things "go away" that feel unpleasant...if we don't fight will pass on its own....

That so true, "this too shall pass"