Her Birthday Diary...>>>Perception #12

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)

I bring to you today another edition of #herbirthdaydiary, a life challenging issues penned for a successfull life here and life there.
Each and evreryday comes with its own happiness and this is what today gives us..Sit back and enjoy today's word, if not for yourself for someone else.



Perception .12

All of us, one way or the other have formed pictures in our mind about others and I think it's fair for others to also have same about us. Most of the time, we are wrong about how we view others. Sometimes, we don't even know them, but we base on what people have said about them and we relate to them on that level. Just someone's name can even trigger a wrong perception.
"I have suffered a lot of what people think of me especially when my husband married me and I became a Shepherdess(Pastor's wife); conventionally, I am not your perceived Shepherdess(behaving in certain manner that is not me but acceptable to others), so people thought I'm strong headed and all that and over the years, I've got people confessing and saying sorry for how they have thought about me. I thank God so much that I'm not cowed easily."
She told me.

Steemians, if you don't want to be perceived wrongly then don't go about having wrong opinions of people you don't even know well.

My point;
it is so painful to be misrepresented by others, let's do well and hold the right opinions of others till they prove otherwise.
This is @mcsamm and whatever l have shared with you is very true.



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Very true bro! a book cannot be judged by it's cover.


Thanks for your wonderful words

good to see you read

Words words words :)

words are truly powerful

Factually it is very bad to say bad things about people you know nothing about...
Get to know them well before making any expression about their lives. You are so!!!! true bro. @mcsamm.

thats the problem,thanks anyway

We are all guilty. Thanks for the post

Good to see you

Wow thanks for sharing

And thanks for reading