Be happy without listening to the comments of others

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello to all my faithful readers of @steemit,

In this installment, we will go deep and analyze a little about our lives and what we are feeling when we live them.

I've gotten with a lot of people who look like a black cloud walking and who seems to enjoy embittering the dreams of others. This type of individuals in the worst case could even be our family, which represents a double sadness for those who are suffering.
I believe that criticism can be achieved anywhere we go, be it constructive or destructive criticism. The real problem is in destructive criticism, which completely ends with your dreams.

I particularly consider that:


No matter what others say to you and if your dream is realistic (of course), nobody has the right to end your illusions.
Sometimes we can show ourselves somewhat insecure in taking an important step in our lives, such as buying a good, an aesthetic operation, migrating to another country or getting married (just to name a few).
I need you to understand that being afraid is not wrong. If we were not afraid of making mistakes, we would lose our humanity.
Thinking our decisions with a cold head and in a very mature way, examining the pros and cons of it can guarantee a better result than we resolve to do.
What is inconceivable is to be afraid of the opinion of third parties. It is impossible to try to make everyone happy. While there is a famous phrase that says:

"Do not worry too much about what they say about you, not even God has managed to please everyone"

We cannot lose our whole life trying to please everyone and stop pursuing our longings and our happiness. On many occasions, we must be a little selfish with ourselves and think:

-First me, second me and third me.

You must understand that whatever decision you make, people will always talk, right or wrong. When you manage to ignore unfounded comments, and do things not to please others but to please you, that is where you will begin to make happy.

To conclude with this reflective post, I leave you with this quote from a famous philosopher:


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Qué bonitas palabras, merry! inspiran y se ve que salen de alguien que está inspirada! tomo las frases más fuertes y me quedo con ellas! un abrazo!
por cierto, me debes el tag de el reto de fotos! un beso

oh claro que no, ya te nomine y alli salen todas las indicaciones

:O dónde que no he visto?? ya voy a revisar!

revisa entre tus comentarios o ve a algunas de mis publicaciones y revisa, en las nominaciones debes aparecer tu

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

lovely post @merryslamb .. some great points you make, and ones that can really help us find inner peace.

i am happy to say...

Congratulations @merryslamb your post had been selected for an upvote worth ~$1.67 as part of the @ecoTrain minnow support project. Your upvote will come soon!

I hope this encourages you to keep writing amazing posts and making this world a better place!.


Oh God, I'm really very excited. Thank you very much for taking into account my work and rewarding it.
My way of changing the world is applied on the principle of making people find their way and find themselves.

Thanks @merryslamb for sharing this.
I have always believed this very simple thought, that when it comes to the issues of your life, no one's voice should sound louder than your own.
It's your track, run it with enthusiasm and gusto whether the crowd is cheering you or not. What should matter most is crossing the finish line.

excellent words of yours, you are very right in what you say friend. So to go ahead that in a straight line is where we will achieve success

You are right.

Ser feliz es algo vital. excelente guapa.

Es difícil no escuchar lo que los demás dicen o piensan de nosotros, pero mas difícil es agradar a todos! Buen post! :)

Hay que ser feliz sin importar quien esta de acuerdo o no

Definitivamente, algunas veces debemos aprender a ponernos en primer lugar. Gracias por recordarlo!

Importante, no darle mucha relevancia a opiniones de terceros, especialmente si son grises!

A mantenernos en el lado luminoso de la vida.

That's is true, you're your own master