The Successful WaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)


You may be spending time thinking you don't know what to do with your life; you don't know where you want to go, but no matter what, you want to succeed.

Let's talk about success.

Many people say: I have to choose a career, and I don't know what to do. I want a job to succeed and to earn a lot of money, but I don't know which offers will be better opportunities. That´s the beginning of the road to failure.
What are you passionate about and what do you want to do?

You see people with suits, money, and stressful jobs, and you think that's success. But that is not the success.
If all you want is money, no one can help you with that, because everyone wants money that does not make you unique.

Despite this, many people have goals and dreams, but they keep getting excuses such as: '' I am not enough '', '' there are too many crises '', '' I don't have enough money to start'', '' I don't have resources. '' Those are all lies. The most important resource you need for any project is in your head.


Do you know why people with great ideas are paid well — because their ideas can't be mass-produced; No matter how much money a person has, that money will never be able to produce the great ideas that your mind can create. And if you try and have an idea and you dream of it, people will say, “it's impossible, be realistic, you can't do it.”

How many people who have succeeded in life have been realistic? The person who decided that he would put a giant metal boat in the water to transport people were not being realistic. The person who invented the Internet, a medium that connects invisibly to all people of the world, was not being realistic.
By the time you discard your idea and give rise to the idea of being realistic, you agree to those enabling the concept of impossibility.
But you deceive yourself if you believe that success is just an idea or a dream.
A wise man once said that success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration, i.e. effort. That means, in other words, that hard work beats talent when talent is not striving.

There is a generalised wrong concept to not to know the difference between talent and skill. Talent is something that you´re born with. Ability and skills are created through hours and hours of dedication to the same, and no matter how much talent you have, your talent will fail if you don't work on your skills. Many talented people are not successful in a particular field, because that is not enough.
You have to stop and think about how much you want this and how you need to reach your goals. Also, how are you willing to achieve this goal; because this is what you'll have to focus continuously on to keep it.
Think along the way that competition will be huge. While you are sleeping there will be someone who will be working to be better in the same way you want to succeed.
While you're resting, someone else will continue working to be better at what you want. If you're not willing to put in all that effort, perhaps, you have not been sincere about the goal to which you wanted to go.
If it's like that, I promise you that you're going to strive, you're going to work every day like it's the last day you have to work at it.
Stop blaming people for your lack of success, stop thinking you have bad luck. Stop believing that the universe is against you, or that someone is willing to do anything to prevent you from reaching your goals. Because honestly, all lies and all truths are right, to the extent that we allow them to be.


If you want something, DO IT! Do everything that is in your ability every hour, every day, every week to get it.
Some people say that the price of success is very high, but the reward is too. They say if you risk it all, you might lose everything. But you will win many more important things that you could ever miss.

Leave aside the negativity, stop excuses, and get out of your comfort zone; Stop and tell yourself that you will. Tell everyone who has ever told you it's not possible, that you've already done it.
Take a little time to reflect on your life and think about what you love, what you can do differently to others and monetise that talent.
There is nothing like facing emergency situations and difficulties, to know what you've done and to look for ideas to solve this situation. There is a quote that I like very much: ‘'A diamond is just a chunk of coal that did well under pressure ''.


First of all be patient, very patient, there are no shortcuts to success. Forget the concept that if we don't get what we want in a short time, it is not worth it or that's not for us. Everything requires a lot of time and effort.
If you're not willing to do what you need to, you're staying in that mediocrity, thinking that you could have done it, but you didn't get to it.
I admire someone who said: I didn't try to build a wall, don't tell yourself you are going to build the most impressive and high wall ever made. Instead, say: I will put this brick as perfectly as I can, and I will do that every day. Because that's how the wall is built, one brick at a time.

For those of you in times of decisions and taking action, I hope this helps.
I know that it is often difficult because there are many circumstances that hinder us. But only you need a moment of madness to say that you will.
At the moment you decide you're going to do something, it will be the time it will become a reality and many successes will come with whatsoever you do.

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