Motivate and Engage Us With "NF" (Neuro-Fluctuating Fields) - Why Negative Emotions to Motivate and Engage Us is So Important

in motivation •  4 years ago 

Many of us have dealt with overwhelming negative emotions such as anger, hate, frustration, anxiety, sorrow, self-pity, blame, insecurity, stress, and worry. These emotions are very difficult to confront and even harder to stay motivated and engaged when we cannot deal with them head on. Yet they are our natural reaction to unpleasant situations and the only way to effectively combat them is to face them head on and confront them.

A new study from University of California-Irvine indicates that this might be the key to a life of success. Dr. Richard Davidson and his team studied individuals in their thirties through fifties and found that those who had experienced negative emotions and learned how to manage them held more ambition, leadership, financial success, and job fulfillment than others. They were also significantly happier. This study suggested that negative emotions to motivate and engage us might be the key to happiness.

Our feelings about ourselves and our world can make the difference between success and failure. We need to be emotionally strong and negative emotions to motivate and engage us should be a natural part of managing those negative emotions. Most people find managing their negative emotions to be a challenge, which is understandable. Especially at those points in life when everything is going wrong, our defenses are up and any criticism directed toward us can feel like a personal attack.

How can you be sure that the criticism you've absorbed in your life has been helpful? You can't...and judging by the results of this study, most of us are at risk of sabotaging our own attempts to become successful by holding on to negative emotions too long. Why? Because we don't yet know the impact of negative emotions and how they can help or hinder us.

Research has shown that there is an "appear to be" relationship between perceived threats and increased physiological arousal. This threat cue causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, which in turn, increases our bodies' need for energy and leads to overeating. This "look to be" connection is proving to be very important in our everyday lives.

How many of us are holding back our negative emotions from being validated by those around us? Do you have someone who makes you feel inferior and unimportant? Are you resisting taking part in group activities because you don't feel like part of it? Or how about having a bad day where you feel worthless and horrible and don't feel like you matter? The results of these responses are usually compounded by negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself and others...which are then taken into our daily life by people we come in contact with.

It doesn't take much to help you de-stifle your negative emotions and get you started on the road to feeling like a true champion. Just picture what it would feel like when you are living an emotionally healthy, passionate life. When you are motivated, energetic and inspired, how can you go anywhere by yourself? You can't. That's why we have friends and loved ones to help us along the way.

The key to de-stressing is to find a way to connect with others. Connecting with others is one of the best ways to not only de-stress but also improve your self-esteem and leadership skills. One great way to connect with others is through Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). With EFT, you can release negative emotions like anxiety, anger, stress and even sadness. Instead, you can experience happiness and contentment.

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