Words Of Wisdom, Age Not A Limitation

in motivation •  7 years ago 


“Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty - they simply move it from their faces into their hearts.” ~ Martin Buxbaum

You see don’t let your age bring to you limitations in life. Age is merely represented by numbers as we all know, make use of your age in life experiences as this will only help you as you gather knowledge of life. And of course stay physically and mentally fit.... Mide

“Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.” ~ Satchel Paige

It’s not by how far, it is by how well. Some get old at 19 and get young at 90 so they say, it’s not by how old but how competent. Age is the measure of ability but not of capabilities.... Mide

“We are always the same age inside.” ~ Gertrude Stein

I keep my loved ones with my soul cause if I do with the heart, the heart will definitely grow old and weak and stop someday , but there’s an ageless us inside us , the one that never grows old , the soul. It’d remain it’s age for eternity. So don’t let your age set you’re back , remember the ageless inner you.... Mide

“Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.” ~ Dale E. Turner

Age is irreversible but dreams are renewable. Dreams are not ascertained to happen at a particular age, there are opportunities that only needs your preparation. Age shouldn’t be a limitation to exploring your untapped possibilities. The wise counts time , the foolish counts age. Don’t stop until your dreams come true.... Mide

“Know that you are the perfect age. Each year is special and precious, for you shall only live it once. Be comfortable with growing older.” ~ Louise Hay

Knowledge comes with growth. As we grow older, we get wiser. Experiences always there to guide a knowledgeable human to live a life worthwhile. Let your age bring to you wise inspiration not a shallow ambition, your achievements are what you have at old age , so make absolute productive use of your age now and always.... Mide


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Checking your blog, I saw lots of motivational post which seems valuable to me . I’d continue to visit to gain more knowledge .

let your age bring to you wise inspiration not a shallow ambition, your achievements are what you have at old age , so make absolute productive use of your age now and always.... Mide

thanks for this