10 Habits of Wealthy People That Will Make You Richer (and Happier)

in motivation •  2 years ago 


Have you ever wondered what sets rich people apart from the poor? It’s not just about luck or inheritance. In fact, numerous scientific studies have revealed that the lifestyles of the wealthy are vastly different from those of the less fortunate. So, get ready to discover the top 10 ways that rich people spend their day that the poor are oblivious to. Brace yourself for number 9, because it might just make you mad, but trust me, it has the potential to transform your life! Without further ado, let’s dive right in.

  1. Fuel Your Motivation Every Day
    Let me put it this way — life can be a real struggle sometimes, even for the strongest among us. It’s like facing a new challenge every day. Sadly, many folks who struggle financially don’t start their day with any kind of preparation. They wake up and dive straight into their TVs, social media, or newspapers, without giving any thought to what kind of energy they’re bringing to the day.

But here’s the secret: successful and wealthy people understand that the first thing you should do in the morning is to power up for the day ahead. That means listening to inspiring books, meditating, or even just playing some uplifting music. In fact, studies show that 63% of wealthy people listen to audiobooks during their commutes to work, compared to just 5% of poor people.

Tony Robbins likes to call this your “Hour of Power”. That first hour of your day is crucial — you want to invest it wisely to make sure you’re ready to take on the day with a motivated spirit. So, here’s a challenge for you: for the next seven days, instead of reaching for your phone or TV remote first thing in the morning, pick up a motivational book or start an audiobook for 15–20 minutes. Then, look back at the end of the week and see how much happier and motivated you feel. Trust me, it’s worth it.

  1. Plan Daily Tasks
    Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters via Unsplash

A study has found that 81% of affluent individuals keep a to-do list, whereas only 19% of individuals with a lower income practice this habit.

Earl Nightingale said: “people who set goals achieve more because they know where they are going”

it’s a sad truth that over 90% of people in this world have no idea where they’re going. They just meander through life, getting busy with whatever comes their way. But you don’t want to be like that. You want to have a clear idea of where you’re headed.

Successful people understand this, which is why they wake up every day with a purpose in mind. Some of them write out daily to-do lists, while others simply remind themselves of their weekly or monthly goals. The point is, they know what’s important and they stay focused on it.

Life is short, my friend. You can only get something out of it if you focus on the things that really matter. Setting daily goals or making to-do lists is a great way to do that. When you have clear objectives for the day, you’ll be more motivated to pursue them. And let’s be real — when you set a goal for yourself, you don’t want to let yourself down. You’ll feel a sense of shame if you waste the whole day without making any progress. So, set those goals, make those to-do lists, and watch yourself thrive.

  1. Do A Few Things Well, Instead of Many Things Poorly
    Image by Paul Skorupskas via Unsplash

Did you know that 80% of successful people have a laser-like focus on accomplishing one major goal? Take Steve Jobs, for instance, who famously lived by the motto “Focus and Simplicity” in both his personal life and at his companies. Let’s face it, we’re all human and only have 24 hours in a day — and half of that is spent sleeping and doing necessary but unproductive tasks. Trying to multitask can actually be a hindrance rather than a strength. So, if you want to achieve greatness, it’s time to prioritize and concentrate all your resources on a few key things. Sit down, determine what truly matters to you, and then let go of everything else. It’s time to focus on what matters most.

  1. Never Stop Learning

Image by Andrew Neel via Unsplash

Did you know that the wealthiest people in the world believe in continuously educating themselves? They understand the importance of self-improvement and make it a habit to learn new things every day. For instance, before Donald Trump became the President of the United States, he woke up at 3 am every day to read, while Warren Buffet spent 80% of his working hours reading.

Now, I’m not saying you should read for 8 hours straight every day, but what I am saying is that you should make an effort to improve your mind every day. Why? Because life is complicated, and the traditional education system doesn’t prepare you for the real world. Instead, it teaches you to be a slave to other people.

But don’t worry, there’s a solution! To be successful in life, you need to be curious and continuously learn new things. That’s the real education that will help you achieve your dreams. So ask questions, read good books, listen to informative audiobooks, and never stop learning. If you improve your mind, your life will improve too.

  1. Say “NO” Without Guilt
    Image by Alena Jarrett via Unsplash

The little word “NO” can be tough to hear and even tougher to say. It seems like there are always so many fun and exciting things we want to do, but sometimes we have to resist temptation and focus on what’s truly important. Achieving success is a journey that requires discipline and determination. But what does discipline really mean? It means learning to say “NO” to things that may seem appealing in the moment, but won’t help us become the best version of ourselves. For example, many people who struggle financially often spend money on things they don’t need, just to impress others or because they think it’s interesting. Similarly, hanging out with friends who don’t add value to our lives, partying just for the sake of it, or engaging in gossip can all distract us from our goals. Learning to say “NO” to these things is an important step on the path to success.

  1. Tackle the Tough Tasks Early
    Picture this: you wake up in the morning, the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and you’re feeling refreshed and energized. You know that this is the perfect time to tackle those big, scary tasks that have been looming over you for days, maybe even weeks.

Why? Well, according to Brian Tracy, author of “Eat That Frog,” the morning is when you’re most likely to be productive. And when successful people start their day by focusing on the most important tasks, they set themselves up for success.

But here’s the thing: we all procrastinate. It’s human nature. So, instead of using that precious morning time to tackle easy tasks, why not take on the tough stuff? By doing this, you’ll be making progress towards your overall goals and setting yourself apart from the crowd.

To make it even easier to resist distractions, like social media and the news, you could create a rule for yourself, like “no social media before noon.” By doing this, you’ll be able to devote your first five hours of the day to truly important tasks and, as a result, reach your goals faster than others.

So, if you want to maximize your productivity and achieve your goals, remember to eat that frog — or tackle the most important task — first thing in the morning.

  1. Visualize Yourself as A Winner
    Image by Jake Ingle via Unsplash

When it comes to trying new things, the difference between the poor and the rich is quite distinct. While the poor may attempt to venture into uncharted territories, they are often plagued with a sense of uncertainty about the outcome. In contrast, the rich possess a remarkable ability to visualize success with crystal clarity. They possess a mindset that always expects success, no matter how challenging the situation may appear.

This unflinching confidence in their abilities allows the wealthy to channel their energies towards achieving their goals. They are driven by a deep-seated belief that their efforts will bear fruit, regardless of the obstacles that lie in their path. Such optimism enables the rich to commit to their pursuits wholeheartedly, with the conviction that they will ultimately succeed.

With this positive outlook, the rich are able to summon all their resources and put in the necessary hard work to realize their vision of success. Whether it’s investing in a new business venture, pursuing a new career, or embarking on a personal project, their unwavering faith in their abilities gives them an edge that sets them apart from the rest.

In short, visualizing success is a key characteristic of the rich. It is a trait that empowers them to transcend their circumstances and achieve their dreams. By cultivating this mindset, anyone can tap into their inner potential and achieve the success they desire.

  1. Stay Away from Unhealthy Processed Foods
    A study found that 97% of people living in poverty consume over 300 calories worth of junk food every day. And on top of that, a whopping 77% of them don’t engage in meaningful exercise.

Your health is your greatest asset. Without it, you won’t be able to perform at your best and reach your full potential. So, it’s essential to pay attention to what you’re putting in your body because it directly affects your health. By making healthier choices and incorporating exercise into your routine, you’ll feel better, have more energy, and be able to achieve your goals.

  1. Limit Your Screen Time
    Image by Glen Carrie via Unsplash

A study found that only 6% of wealthy folks tune in to reality TV, while a whopping 78% of those in a lower income bracket do. And let’s be real, how many truly successful individuals do you see snapping selfies and posting them on social media every single day? It takes some serious self-doubt to seek validation like that, and the rich don’t have time for that nonsense.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not hating on social media or TV, but if you’re going to spend hours on end consuming content, it might as well be something that’s going to make you a better person, right? Trust me on this one, the more entertainment you require to get through your day, the less likely you are to be financially well-off.

  1. Avoid Gambling
    Image by Aidan Howa via Unsplash

Gambling, oh gambling! It’s a global sensation, especially among those struggling to make ends meet. But let’s be real here, relying on luck is like waiting for a unicorn to fly you to the moon. Instead, why not go on a treasure hunt for Lady Luck herself? She’s out there, hiding in the wild, just waiting for you to find her. So get out there and explore, my friend! Your pot of gold might just be right around the corner.

Wealthy people have certain habits that have contributed to their success. They prioritize motivation, planning, focus, continuous learning, saying “no” without guilt, networking, and healthy lifestyle choices. They have a strong drive to succeed and are willing to put in the effort and time to achieve their goals. Adopting these habits can help transform your life and boost your performance towards your goals. Remember, success is not just about luck or inheritance but rather the result of intentional actions and habits.

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