in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)


As I stated at the start of this series, one of the things I want to do this month here on my blog is to share some very helpful words of wisdom on love, courtship and marriage.

My wife, @thelovejunkie, is a terrific love catalyst you should read after. I recommend you take the things I'll be sharing here about love everyday (till the 14th of February 2018) and study them along with the things she writes.

Expect this to be eye opening. I'll be as simple as possible and as direct as I should be.

So, let's continue our conversation on Demystifying Sexual Compatibility.

These are excerpts from my teachings at the last Relationship School Conference held in October 2017.

4. Find a Faithful Man or a Virtuous Woman

There are two kinds of people the Bible says are quite rare, yet they are very available.

The Bible talks of a faithful man and a virtuous woman.

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Sadly, many people don't even make these things their priorities.

Proverbs 20:6
...but a faithful man who can find?

Proverbs 31:10
Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Advice to Single Men

Don't focus on having a muscular built. Rather focus on being a faithful man.

I didn't say there's anything wrong with a man having a good body. I know you want your body to look a certain way but do you also have integrity goals?

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First things first, be a man whose words can be relied upon. Train yourself to be dependable. Ensure you major on what's major.

Advice to Single Ladies

Don't focus on having a sexy body. Rather focus on being a virtuoso woman.

I didn't say there's anything wrong with a woman having a good body. I know you want your body to look hot but do you also have character goals?

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First things first, be a woman whose virtue can be talked about. Train yourself to be a reference point. Ensure you major on what's major.

Invest in Yourself

Until you work at being a faithful man, you don't deserve a virtuous woman.

Until you work at being a virtuous woman you don't deserve a faithful man.

Stop looking around for the perfect person for you.

Instead start investing in yourself, in being a faithful man/a virtuous woman.

As you endeavour to do what you can, trust the grace and mercy of God to do for you what you can't.

Your investment in yourself and your rest in God's faithfulness TOWARDS YOU will cause the faithful man you need or the virtuous woman you need, to gravitate towards you.

That's as certain as Tuesday follows Monday.

Supernaturally, God will arrange for both of you to cross each other's paths and He'll make you know (that is, He'll prompt you to realise that) this is the person you should marry.

Relationship School 2018

Do you want to learn about love, relationships and marriage?

Are you at the point of making a marital decision and you need help with choosing right?

Do you want to learn how to build a stronger marriage with your spouse?

Are you willing to learn what you ought to know to move to the next level in your relationship?

Do you need counselling and guidance?

Are you trying to deal with the passing away of a lover?

Are you a single parent in need of a change of status?

Do you have questions about love, relationships and/or marriage?

If you answered yes to any of these, then this Relationship School is for you.

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How to Participate

  1. Download the "Discord App" (from Google Play store (for Android users) or from Apple Store (for IPhones). It may appear as Discord - Chat for Gamers.

  2. Complete the registration process and verify your account properly. It's quite easy.

  3. After you done and are now on Discord, please click the link below to take you into the Relationship School Server:

  4. Congratulations, you're In!

R. S. V. P:

+2347032841387, +2347063005244.

Kindly Share this Invite

When you find something this good, you should share it with someone else who needs it.

So, please feel free to share this invite with anyone who you feel would be helped by attending.

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