Get started

in motivation •  7 years ago 

One of the biggest problem we all face when it comes to self development, a project, business idea, business plan, dream etc, is getting started. Most times than not, we don't have all the resources needed to pull off what we plan on doing or we just do not have enough. What can be done then?.
In my journey through this experience called life, I'm still learning everyday and obviously still have a lot to learn. So I'm no pro/expert in stating how best and what best should be done when starting up a project.
But the one thing I'm sure of is; whatever the dream, whatever the task in front of us. If we've done all the work mentally and emotional, if we've imposed it well enough on our subconscious mind, if we believe well enough on that dream or outcome we want then there'll be a way, cause there's always a way. We just haven't seen it yet.
So I'll say the best way of getting started is by getting started. As Nike says 'just do it'. Take massive action, and you'll be surprised how things will start coming together. It really is amazing, how when you believe strongly a thing can be done. Then even from the actions you feel are insignificant, things will start coming all together. That really is the beauty of life. Cause at the end, every wealth, every success, every great work all started with thought (mind). Now that is the cause, all riches and successes we see are effects of those thoughts. Enough emphasis can never be made on the mental work.
I can remember vividly, an idea I was chasing some months back (approximately a year). It was one that was going to put some clean papers in my pocket. After doing all the work that was supposed to be done, getting my team, create a vivid picture of what we wanted and all. Then it boiled down to the money. We needed some capital to start it all up, at the moment then I was flat broke. The money need to start was more than a hundred thousand. I totally wasn't expecting money from any where at that moment. But then I had spent so much time planning and believing nothing was going to stop me. And when it got to the money part, I did not have the slightest doubt about getting the money. Then ideas started flowing in and ways I didn't even imagine became clear to me, and eventually I got the cash and pulled off what I wanted to.
So just sitting on this pavement, writing all of this just showed me what exactly I need to do. Cause I've been feeling stuck on my current idea/plan for some time. I really just have to do all I can do with all the energy I have, and things will start playing out. Limitations only exist in our minds, it really is not there if you don't think it.
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Let's do an experiment

This is serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So there's something like an arrow (arrow icon) down there, click on it once let's both see if it will bring a unicorn. I think it will.

Have a wonderful day, you reading this. Ciao.

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