Laboratory [132] + Mid-Week Reader

in motivation •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Beat Number One Hundred and Thirty-Two

Welcome back to my [mostly] consistent daily music post! I'm going to take several hundred words and try my best to describe what life has been like since Saturday. Before I get deep in some thoughts, let's get today's beat spinning first. Here's the link:

Technically, Thursday night was my last night to stay in the house I'd been living in for several years. Everything's packed, and my car was loaded down so much that my brakes started making screeching noises when I headed down the curvy road, which way leads down the foothill the house sits on.

I've shed no tears of sadness, worry or anxiety during this process. I have definitely broken a sweat though, especially on Monday when I cleaned out my room and packed everything up.

Yesterday was a seemingly normal day for me. It's fairly clear that the drastic nature of suddenly deciding that you are going to move out of where you're living but with no clear knowledge of where you will be living next hasn't fully sunk in yet.

I thank God, The Universe, whatever you want to call It, for the amazing friends I have. Life would be exponentially more difficult if we had to face it all alone. I've had incredible support to get me to this point in my life, and now I'm looking to begin giving strong support to those around me which lack the ability to make their own way.

How does one activate one's self to live life to the fullest?

The above question was a topic with my friend, fellow Steemian @cosmicvibration, yesterday as we sat beside a pool with giant grey, puffy clouds among a blue background of atmospheric gasses.

What do you think about this question: what does it take for someone to live their waking life at the absolute peak of their ability? Leave me a comment below so we can achieve an understanding together about the answer.

To begin the conversation, let me begin by explaining one potential answer.

This answer involves a backbone and an anchor of beliefs that keep a person stable and unwavering without becoming closed off to other people's answers.

You see... We live in a world where the main social standard is apathy. We live in a world where not having a firm viewpoint is actually loved and cherished. Another word for the current social norm is "acceptance." We live in a world where people have come to cherish the personalities people adorn. We cherish how people act. We are robotic actors. We step down when presented with a difficult conversation, and though we feel like we are helping those around us by not speaking up (out of fear), what we are actually doing is allowing the social disease of separation and division rule to the point that to speak out is unacceptable, especially with those whom we are closest too.

Here I propose a simple solution for this lack of a backbone: Personal Values (or Personal Beliefs).

Now, don't get me wrong. Having an awesome personality is still a great asset to your life, but if you base your life on how others perceive you, i.e. acting how they want you to act, etc., you are making a choice to be wholly out of a position of solidarity.

Instead, find your core beliefs from the center of the love that you are. Make decisions consciously with your core beliefs as the "jury" who buffers the answers to your questions. You will be surprised how much more centered and able you'll be to take on those hard conversations because you'll be approaching the conversation out of a place of love and concern.

You don't have to act anymore.
You do have to form beliefs out of love, and
-- most importantly--
You have to simply "be" the love that you are.

Jern Once, Jernigan!

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Thank you!!

We live in a world where the main social standard is apathy. We live in a world where not having a firm viewpoint is actually loved and cherished. Another word for the current social norm is "acceptance." We live in a world where people have come to cherish the personalities people adorn. We cherish how people act. We are robotic actors. We step down when presented with a difficult conversation, and though we feel like we are helping those around us by not speaking up (out of fear), what we are actually doing is allowing the social disease of separation and division rule to the point that to speak out is unacceptable, especially with those whom we are closest too.

So important right now!

We have been bred to "See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"
And as we do this, evil runs amok!

Life is love in action. Be the love you are