How to Conquer Fear for Your Dreams

in motivation •  4 years ago 

Where are you now? Are you still in the shadow of your past? Are you afraid to start a new life because you fear the negative consequences that it might cause you? Have you decided to retain in your simple life because you are afraid of failure, criticism and bullies? Do you want to be the next Jeffrey Bezos yet failures, and fear of accepting responsibilities are locking you not to do the first step? Every successful and prolific individuals felt the fear you are currently feeling. A work done has always a starting point and there are always catalysts, at the same time stumbling blocks, at the middle of the journey. There's no way for a person to finish a work without starting it. However, what if you are not starting a work because you fear to commit mistakes?

How to start conquering your fear

Conquer your fears. Why can't we just kill or train ourselves not to fear anymore? Everything that exist and any situation that we are encountering is always a mixture of blessings and negative consequences. Fear exist to give you motivation in helping yourself to survive or prepare in any possible undesirable situation that might occur during your journey. However, fear could also stop you in striving for your dreams. Fear is an emotional response to detestable events and having this emotion means you are a human being. However, if it is already killing your bright future, then here are some questions that you could ask yourself. Be fearless for your dreams! Break free from the fear of failure.

1. What are my fears?

It is a must for you to have a total knowledge about your fears. Are you afraid of getting low grades or low performances?Is it hard for you to apply for a job because you might be rejected again? Are you afraid of failing the expectations of your comrades, trainers, coaches, colleagues, and those who are relying on you? Are you afraid to speak up your thoughts because they might laugh at you or neglect you? Reflect on the reasons why you have been sitting for a couple of hours yet you can't start your first project. Are you afraid that you might start it in a wrong way? Ask yourself, why can't you start doing great and remarkable things in class or in your workplace? Have you tried yet you failed so you ceased on trying because you are scare that the situation might happen again?

2. What should I do to this fear?

After identifying the situations and the stumbling blocks that are holding you towards your vision , ask yourself, "Am I going to just stop on fighting my fear or am I going to strive and fight it despite the consequences that might happen? Remember this quote from Terry Pratchett, "Wisdom comes from experience. Experience is often a result of lack of wisdom." Self-disappointment or disappointment from others make us cry yet learn to be humble enough to accept that we are born with less wisdom. We do things, we commit mistakes, we get hurt yet we learn from the pain of our mistakes and this pain warns us not to redo the same mistakes. Testimonies or observations are also factors that are triggering our fear yet use the experiences of others as guides not as a wall between you and your dream. If someone told you that becoming a writer is quite hard then use this as a motivation to learn and practice writing. If someone told you that you are entering a not promising job, consider other opinions; however, if majority can't see your vision then be guided by Joseph Campbell saying "Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you where there were only walls." A lot of remarkable tycoons and famous individuals experienced rejection, such as Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, and Thomas Edison before becoming what they are at the moment.

3. Where will I start?

Start planning your actions or steps, either short term or long term goal, that could lead you towards your dream and make sure that you follow them. If your dream is to get a particular job, then start searching, look for qualifications, prepare yourself, and apply immediately. Face your fear of unable to get hired because you are not good enough. Avoid saying "Later" because time is not reusable. Do what you planned and act faster or you'll find yourself still saying, "I'll start it later", twenty or thirty years later.

Every person, despite their culture, status, gender, or race differences, are vulnerable to fear. Fear is one of the factors that drive us to follow the same path as the others, as well as, it increases our wisdom in how to survive and protect ourselves in the future. However, fear is alarming when it affects our development as a whole individual rather than serving as a motivation for us to rise. The choice to either conquer or fight this strong emotional response and start a new chapter of our story is in us. Let's not allow fear to keep us from dreaming big! The world need fearless individuals that could make difference and that could pull those individuals outside from the slaves of their negative experiences !

Here is a video about overcoming fear.

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