You Can Because... Getting Support from the Universe | Sashavational

in motivation •  7 years ago 

You Can Because... Getting Support from the Universe | Sashavational

We all know that the mind is a powerful thing.

As long as you're looking for reasons why you can't do what you love, or you can't find happiness, or you can't make more money, or you can't find the right relationship, can't can't can't can't can't, you're gonna KEEP finding those reasons.

For years I've been putting up these videos where I'm talking about all this stuff about manifestation and being able to do whatever you want and there's always a couple of guys that comment something like "But bro you you got money dawg, you got money, you can do whatever you want!" or other various comments that only really show me that you're in a fear-based mentality.

(And also that you don't know my history because I grew up as the poor, smelly kid in school - so if you're not the smelly kid you're already starting off better than I did!)

Let's say you're one of those guys - You believe there's a lack of opportunities for you, that there's not enough to go around. You also lack faith in the universe. You're not connected, you're disconnected from the universe, you're disconnected from yourself, and you're in this reality that sucks and it can't get better.

Poor you!

Okay so it's almost funny because when you're doing what you love, and you really focus on it, and it's in line with universal will - that means it benefits other beings - the universe will support you. You will always end up fine, everything works out, and that's just how it works.

I find it funny when people leave those comments "Bro you're getting paid! Everything is fine for you!" Like money is the thing that makes everything okay.

What are you talking about?

When I was in my early 20s I was completely broke. I was staying on my friend's couch who was another comedian. He was drinking all the time, doing cocaine, he was really fucked up. (Great guy! Love that guy.)

I'm literally on the couch with nothing but I was doing comedy, doing comedy, doing comedy. I was so passionate about comedy people saw that and they appreciated it and there was always somebody who would put me up. I could always eat.

I played a little poker, made minimal money but even though I was broke and had no idea about life I was just doing my comedy and the universe always made sure I was okay. It always found a way to sort of make sure that like everything was cool and it's always been that way.

It's always been that way with every part of my life. When I got into pickup and seduction I'm just doing what I love doing and the universe provided. Always. All the time. Even with everything I'm doing now everything is fine because my intention with everything I'm doing is helping people and making the world a better place.

In today's Sashavational video I go deeper into why we CAN do all the things we want to do in life by saying "I can because". I talk about what you need to focus on and the healthy mindsets you need to DO MORE IN LIFE!

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Holy fuck how did you grow your hair so fast??? A few days ago you had side head shaved thing. No you've got to really cool Surfer / Predator thing happening
