Monday Motivation- Why You Need to be Persistent to Cut the Rock

in motivation •  7 years ago 

The start of the week is usually quite a difficult time for most people. Many of us dread Mondays and have our newsfeed filled with countless memes on how terrible it feels to go back to work on a Monday every week. Nonetheless, work is work and something you cannot ignore for good. It is your work that is helping you earn a living and do the many things you enjoy so you cannot completely hate it. However, it is still difficult to get yourself into the work-mode after a relaxing or even hectic weekend because you cannot just seem to have enough of holidays, right.

Since we have to go back to work each Monday and most of us need a lot more motivation to get started with your tasks for the week than others, I decided to start a ‘Monday Motivation’ regimen. Each Monday, I will talk about a motivational quote that will lift up your spirits, motivate you to go back to work and encourage you to stick to your goals and keep striving for them till the time you actualize them.This post was supposed to go live this Monday but unfortunately, it couldn’t because I was swamped with work. With my son slowly making the transition to school, life has become even more hectic so I could not write this post on time.

This Monday (since still a few hours are left before Monday ends), I will be talking about this beautiful quote by Jim Watkins:

‘A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.’

Why You Need to be Persistent

Persistency is the Key to Victory

Whatever your goal is or whatever it is that you are striving for, you can only achieve it if you stay persistent in your efforts. Whether you want to impress someone, work harder in your workplace, take your sales to a whole new level or get a good promotion, you need to work consistently towards that goal. This means that whether it is Monday or Friday, you need to work hard, persevere and stay committed to your goal. You cannot waste time at all because if you do that, you are likely to neutralize the effect of all your hard work that you have been putting in for a long time.

If you stop being consistent in your efforts, you will stop cutting the rock and become stagnant and if you become stationery, the rock is likely to hit you hard soon enough. If your spirits are dampened this week and you don’t feel like going back to work, recall your goal and keep the bigger picture in mind. Think of why you are working in the first place and use that to motivate you to keep making consistent efforts to bag your goal.

This is exactly what helps me get back to work each day. Since I don’t take even weekends off and derive fulfillment from my work, every day is Monday for me. This does not mean I don’t relax and enjoy. I have set aside certain time of the day to relax and enjoy with my family and do that regularly but I also work daily and keep the quote discussed above in mind to never feel dismayed about working every day. This is the decision I made because I knew that to achieve my personal and professional goals, I will have to give it my 200% and each time I find myself feeling weak, I think of this quote, my goals and the beautiful, bright smile of my son. Before I realize, I feel ready to take on all my challenges and tasks with high spirits.

Do share your reviews about this quote and tell us what you do to motivate yourself to get back to work each Monday. Hope you enjoyed this post. Thank you for stopping by and reading it. Love,


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