in motivation •  7 years ago 

I have been worried lastly on how bad I have performed on my resent projects. It is said that success is dependent on the goals set. Ones ability to meet up a particular goal is what is used to measure success, no matter how small /easy the goal is.
While wondering on what to do, the word "KNOW HOW" pooped up. image

I asked myself what I meant by Know how (,funny enough I was the say person who answered myself.). Where I want to go to is where someone already this, and they might have made mistakes but they sure do have a road map of getting there.


So after getting that idea, I decided to meet with people who are where I want to be, connect with them and seek direct from them to get to where I want to be, which is where they are already.

Have a lovely week ahead guys. Remember to seek the KNOW HOW.

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