Use Your Imagination to Grow Rich

in motivation •  7 years ago 


What’s your imagination doing today? Are you thinking about doing that load of laundry when you get home or fixing that broken chair? Or are you thinking about cruising the high seas in your beautiful yacht while your crew caters to your every need?

Your imagination can make you rich or it can leave you stuck in the rut you live in today. You should never be afraid to dream big and envision your future with wealth and riches.

You are the only one in control of your destiny and that’s something many of us forget as we get caught up in our day-to-day lives that are filled with work, family, struggles, and financial woe.

No one is going to hand you wealth and if you are hoping to win the lottery, you’re likely going to be disappointed. You certainly aren’t going to grow rich working for another person, but you’ll likely help to make them grow rich.

Where do you want to put your energy? Are you going to focus on doing a great job at working and helping your company owner to grow rich or are you going to focus on doing a great job for your own business and making yourself rich? The choice is yours.

Now it takes a lot more than walking out the door of your current employer to find wealth. You need to have a dream and a desire. What’s your dream? What do you want to be doing 10 years from now? Great you have the dream now do you have the desire?

Do you have the drive to figure out a way to get yourself there? Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to think outside the box. There are plenty of opportunities awaiting you.

Growing rich is also not one of those ‘get rich overnight’ schemes. If you are looking for an easy way that requires no work, you are not going to make it to wealth.

Growing rich doesn’t mean you work your fingers to the bone but it does require you to participate and be a part of the process. It does require you to turn your vision, your dream, into a reality and to direct others so that it can happen.

Bottom line – never be afraid to imagine. Use that power to grow rich and create the wealth you desire. You are in control of your future and your destiny. What will your future look like?

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Nice! Thanks For Share :)
I will follow your account, please follow me at @nikunjo

My peak portion

never be afraid to imagine. Use that power to grow rich and create the wealth you desire

Thanks for sharing.

Every single thing we see in the world today made my man, started with an idea. If we never imagine, then we never achieve.

I think my problem is that I lack a lot of motivation to do the things that I need to do in a given day! My ambition and dreams are high, I just lack the ability to always get off my ass and do it.

i love this and i recently spent time developing this mental muscle myself. In Alice in Wonderland, one of my favorite quotes is: “Sometimes I believe in as many as six impossible things before breakfast." i am applying it to money now too and all the amazing ways i could spend it! what fun! life is indeed a game