Align Yourself With Your Goals

in motivation •  6 years ago 

Will Power isnt sufficient if our self image is not in alignment with our goals. 95% of People are just reacting to life. They are indeed not living. You will never achieve your goals till you believe in it.

Earl Nightingale said; Success is a progressive realization of a worthy Goal. Nb: If your goal isnt worthy, you can never be successful for you will be chasing a wrong target. Success simply is knowing where you are and who you are and knowing where you are going (GOALS) and you are consistently and unapologetically making strides towards it. Many people believe in a one time success opportunity which will land them to their dream life. When ever i see a successful individual, i try to find out his or her success luck. I often study their lifestyle from a distance if i cannot get close and have a conversation with them.

They have often been very consistent with one particular activity in their life which they have perfected and leading them to success. Success in every sphere of life requires consistency and little efforts which sums up to your great goal. Today i ask you to take a step towards your dreams and your goals. Make it and follow through, little by little and you will surely get there. Stay awesome.

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You just hit the nail right on the head. No one became successful by chance. Awesome post @tj4real

poco a poco, we shall surely make it. Thanks for this bro @tj4real

Exactly to the point... #KeepOnPushing #BePatient #BePersistent and Enjoy your Life :)