The Idea On Failure

in motivation •  6 years ago 

Have you failed at something before? I bet the feeling was so amazing you wanted to fail over and over again.
In reviewing my past activities and how life has treated me got me to the attend to failure. Failure is despised by we all. Failure is one thing that sets off the mood of every individual and as such we try everything humanly possible to avoid it. In my quest to find financial stability and wholeness thought me a whole lot of ordeal about failure. When i first started thinking about becoming a million dollar rich, my mentor gave me three things to do. He gave me two books to read and a pile of motivational videos and showed me the source of the videos. The two books are; Rich dad poor dad and The Richest Man In Babylon. I really never understood why he gave me a pile of motivational videos till i saw my life being pronounced directly to me today.


We all get disgusted by failure. But without failure there will be no need for examining progress.If we always succeed at our next target with ease, then we are not really challenging ourselves. Thomas Alva Edison's story brought me greater content and delight in failure and now failure is my friend. He failed 1000 times when he was trying to develop the electric bulb. On his 1001 attempt, he succeeded. His consistency to pursue his target was phenomenal but what really struck me was how he responded to a question being asked by a journalist. A journalist asked him after inventing the electric bulb how he felt failing 1000 times before getting it right. His answer is what amazed me to write this article. His response was; he didn't actually fail 1000 times but learnt 1000 ways of how not to get the electric bulb to work and after he had learned all those skills, he was now prepared enough to make a mistake into his success. Every failure is a lesson.


We all often treat our failures as our enemies. We kick ourselves in the butt when we face failures. We do this so often that we never get to learn from our failures. To me not failing means not being challenged enough and as such i try to find challenging activities day in day out. When i started my university education, i was a straight "A" student with a GPA of 4.82 out of 5. I realized that schooling alone isn't challenging enough for me and as such, i had to add a part time work. Work isn't easy and neither is education. Combining the two has really stressed me to be at my best at the moment and given me so many opportunities. I am not a straight A student anymore but neither I'm i also a full time student. The work addition has enabled me to network more with people in office and i see this as a great opportunity for me in future.

The idea of "failure" can be put into a strong weapon. Its only when we characterize failure as a step closer to success that we will begin to enjoy the full benefits of it. Failure only means you have learnt how not to do something in a particular way. Be motivated and strive for success. Have a wonderful day.

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True, failure is just a lesson to get it the next time better otherwise the word "Improvement" would not exist.

I completely agree to what you said @stranded.
And those lessons lead to great things. We explore ourselves with all those setbacks and get to know the real us.

Interesting your post, very motivating. I share what you say about failure. We are afraid to fail but sometimes it is necessary to learn and reinvent ourselves as human beings. Agree that constancy is the basis of success. Interesting the story of Thomas Alva.

We can only overcome that fear by actually facing it again and again.

Hi tj4real!

Truly said.
Most people take failure to heart and then never try again. They don't understand one thing that they haven't really lost what they were pursuing. There may be 1000 other ways of doing it. The acceptance of not trying anymore get onto the head of people very fast. They don't probably know how to deal with rejections. Either they have never faced it or if at all they have faced, they don't wanna do anything about it because what needs to be done seems hard. It needs courage to accept first of all that one has failed, but there's no pride in not doing anything about it.

We always fear things and we fear enormously and that is the reason we fall hard on our face most of the time. The only way to deal with fear is to face it and there's no other solution to it at all. Every failure has a big learning that if taken the right way can bring great changes in our lives but that's not what we do. We fear again and we take a step back.

We never look into the positive aspects of failure. What it has to teach us, the kind of person we become when we experience it. What most of us do is we give up and that's not a great thing to do. Success lies beyond multiple setbacks and not just once most of the times.

Great content by the way.
Upvoted! :)

great post i love it!
i can add to it by saying this: success can also be defined as the measure of many failures - during the process everything adds up and gets balanced; the ratio of how hard you work is the same as the result

This is really wonderful post. Failure makes you learn from mistakes and help you see the answers to being a successful being.
Thanks @tj4real. Already following you,hope you would do follow too

Failure every now and then is a must because we don't realise the true essence of anything unless we are not devoid of that thing in our lives.

Mantap bangat gambarnya

I failed in my exams and my friends are passed . I felt sad but that failure made me stronger and stronger and motivated me that i have to study more and never give up. Failure is the stepping stone to success. Even thomas alva edison failed about 1000 times but finally he was succeed he invented bulb thats why we are seeing each other without sunlight. nice to meet u nice post @tj4real thank you

Absolutely right Sir @tj4real, we must cahnege our mindset on the meaning of fail. Fail in my opinion is a process. That's why the final result emerged from the business that is successful and not successful. Basicly the fail must we put is top up. Andt then on the steps the second, third and so on. If we starts from the first riser named intention and willingness then that's effort. So it is not true that the failure of the end is result. The only failure on this Earth is when someone try and dont want to move his step from before.

Yes I have failed many times in life and was frustrated at the beginning, but I learned important lessons from my failures. Every time I fail, I become more stronger than before. Now I am trying to come out from that repeated pattern and learn how to control my mind or thoughts. It is a bit difficult, but important to have a good life that I can control. I dont want to fail, because of the same reasons again and again. Also dont want to do the same mistake every time.
Good work, keep it up :)

Great to know that you took it very positively and working on eliminating the patterns. Training of thoughts and mind is the greatest thing to do because it changes our personality in and out. We become the person we never imagined of. I would definitely suggest you to read a book.

"The Magic of Thinking Big." - By David Schwartz

I am sure you would love it and will learn the true essence of the thoughts that are important to imbibe in our personal lives.

Listening to the words which you have mentioned above, it's a truth and basically already known by human. But Only the Arrogant and haughty attitude make his eyes covered to understand the failure itself. Thank you've shared and wish your effort is always present in every word and sentence full of motivation. God bless you sir. Excuse me to restem.

The very first thing needed to improve on this is keeping the ego aside and accept that one has failed and then only improvement can be done.

Mind if ask? Why do you want to be a millionaire rich @tj4real

Everyone has their own reasons to it. I don't want to spend my entire life working and I don't want to base my life on paycheques. True essence of life can be experienced when you have enough time to experience it and time is something that once gone is gone forever. It never comes back.

Getting rich brings you enough time to experience other beautiful things in life which you may be devoid of while working 9-5 everyday because you are so busy earning a living and at the same time you not living it actually which then is the reason of all the miseries and stress in life. We shouldn't forget that money runs lives. Nothing in this world comes for free and if you want to enjoy the abundance of every great feeling out there, you need to have abundance of time for which you need to have enough money so that you don't have to worry about making a living every single day.

Hi there @singhnishantce, Sorry it took me a long time to respond to your comment, I keep my self out the computer for few days while waiting for my new eyeglasses. Anyway, thank you for your well-detailed comment. You seem very interesting and it looks like that we are on the same niche, it's like you are my version for your country hehe. Keep it up my friend, keep motivating people all the time. I will see you around. follow ✔

Hey @gavinci13!
Like minds😎 have always given me a high.
See you around. You got yourself a follower too.
Let’s make this world a better place to live in. 🙂
And you don’t have to be sorry for anything.
Keep rocking

An Honor can read and follow your journey @tj4real
A true journey of life is a process for us to be successful in a very evil enemy is a failure and become a very horrible thing in life .. The past is a record of what I have done and become a measure of success and the failures that have been reflected in the journey of the past.
Failure Is the beginning of a poverty, Poverty is not a sin that people will be disappointed with what happens to Hunya, Learning from a failure is the most important key to our success in the future.
Thank you @tj4real has given me the most fruitful knowledge to be great in the future to continue to look forward to a victory.

See You on The top

Your post elaborates on a mantra I live by.

"Failure is feedback"

Once this mode of thinking becomes a part of you, the fear of failure becomes a thing of the past.


Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Well, the idea is that failure is an inevitable partner on the road to success and, if you're not willing to confront failure, you can never find out how good you are.

I FAIL at nothing! WIN!

Hay que perseverar, no desistir, y ver el fracaso como una experiencia fallida. Se es lastimoso fracasar cuando se pretende lograr algo. Buen Post.

I love how this idea of failure could be used wisely. I believe we should say thanks to our problems. There is a German proverb "Who has never tasted what is bitter does not know what is sweet."
There is an answer to your problems, your pressures,your trials and tears. Your highest mountain really can be cast into the sea.

  • Your crises will pass
  • Your pressures will ease
  • Your trails will end
  • Your tears will dry.
    When it seems there is no end in sight, remember the story of an Eastern king who lived centuries ago. His life was filled with problems too numerous to list.
    One morning he gathered his wise men together and asked,"Can you create a motto or phrase that will help me through my times of distress?"
    He gave them rules for creation of motto : "It must be brief enough to inscribe on my golden ring. It must apply to every situation. It must work in good times and bad. It must be valid for every circumstance."
    The wise men went away for more than a month. When they returned they presented the magic phrase to the king.
    Here it is!"This, too,shall pass!"
    Now that's a phrase to remember.
    Whatever the crises, the fog will lift, the clouds will part, and you will see a rainbow.
    Since you know that things are going to get better. Since you know the tide will turn. Why not smile through the darkest hour knowing who is going to win the conflict.
    Problems? They are real and you know it :) Yet, you can say thanks because of the rich new dimension they add to your life.
    The next time you are faced with an "insurmountable" hurdle, remember this:


Very nicely put