Are You Desperate?

in motivation •  8 years ago  (edited)

When you think about being desperate what type of image does that bring up in your mind? I’m sure it’s not a positive image. You think of your dating life, that annoying person that won’t leave you alone, making the wrong decisions out of fear, etc. However, there are times when being desperate can be a good thing.
To make a breakthrough in your life or to make a much needed change you have to get desperate. You need to be desperate to stop accepting the status quo, to stop living an unfulfilling life, to stop taking what life throws at you and make your own way. Change is a constant in life, do you embrace it or run from it? Look at your life right now, what needs changed?
I grew up in poverty and was raised by a single, un-educated mother. My father eventually came back into my life and then my mother became a widow. I was an only child, with no friends to speak of and barely scraping by. Somehow I went to college and graduated and somehow became a functional adult with a great career. How did I get here? I was desperate…I was willing to do anything to get out of the situation that life placed me in. I was desperate not to repeat the same mistakes my parents made. I was desperate to not have to worry every month if I’d be homeless or where my next meal was coming from. Do you want to change your life? Yes? Then get desperate.

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