
in motivation •  7 years ago 

It's Monday, I just thought I should share this here, this may help one or two persons. Have a nice read guys. image

Jealousy means resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage, etc., or against another's success or advantage itself
It also means mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness, etc., as in love or aims.

One other thing that's similar to jealousy is envy, envy is a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another's advantages, success, possessions, etc..

Most times we feel things don't go our way despite all our hard work, we feel we deserve better than our friends. Often times we lash out, "why are things going so well with Angela"? "why is she married and I'm not", "why is she always so lucky" ?

These questions arise as a result of insecurities, lack of confidence, narcissistic tendencies, you're not comfortable with the fact that "Nkechi" the girl you always admired is flirting with your colleague, you feel insecure, you feel everything should go your way because you're good looking and dress better. image

Rampant instances when people get jealous ;
When someone flirts with your girl/guy
When someone achieves something that you have always wanted to achieve
when someone you hate succeeds
when someone manages to get something and you think that he doesn't deserve it.

Jealousy is even taken to a whole new level on social media, we are all keeping up with the Joneses, you want to have same body shape like sister A, you want to be classy, you want to slay, you feel incompetent when someone outdoes you. You get jealous when it seems others are doing better than you and getting accolades for it.

Feeling jealous is pretty natural, but it's only dragging you down. Jealousy can drive a large wedge between you and your loved one, and can cause you to do regrettable things you wouldn't otherwise. Curbing these emotions can be difficult, but is often necessary in order to move forward and secure your relationship. This can be as easy as simply distracting yourself, or as serious as tackling the underlying causes of your insecurity.

How do you untangle yourself from the clutches of jealousy?

  • Build your self confidence
    *Avoid comparing yourself to other people
    *Recognize the paranoia that is part of jealousy, jealousy causes us to react to a fantasy scenario in our mind, meanwhile in reality those bad things or scenes may never exist.

Nobody is really perfect, jealousy is natural,that not withstanding, it can push you to do horrible things to people, it can make you say hateful things about people in a bid to outsmart them.

Meanwhile in reality, no one has it all, if you get close to most of these people you're jealous of, you'll realize that they're just being happy admist the sea of problems they live in.

When you see someone achieving goals and greater heights, instead of being jealous and wishing them evil things, why not get close to them and find out their secret, why not ask them how they got there.

Jealousy can mar or make you. You see, to some people, jealousy pushes them to be better, to work harder, to be more ambitious and a lot more, while some people don't know how to deal with it, they just keep hating and spewing all sort of rubbish about people, which of course doesn't add any value to them.

Be wise today, embrace your flaws and push yourself to be better.

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Jealousy has destroyed souls. Nice post.

Thanks @penking

