in motivation •  8 years ago 


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Hey There Friends . . .
Okay, it's the weekend. And since some of you think I'm already pretty crazy, let me begin by asking you a totally CRAZY QUESTION! And here it is: "Have you EVER noticed that the word "STRESSED", spelled backwards, says DESSERTS?" So when you actually look at that word, do you get ticked-off, or just hungry? (Lol) 🤔 😂

You see, I know this sounds crazy, but I share this with you to illustrate a very simple point. Every situation, challenge or obstacle that you will ever face in life will always be determined in your MIND by the manner in which YOU CHOOSE TO THINK about it. Therefore, your MIND will either be your BEST FRIEND, or your WORST ENEMY, depending on the manner in which you TRAIN IT to think. So you MUST train it well.

Contrary to what many people believe, your BRAIN and your MIND are NOT the same thing. As I'm sure you have heard me say before, your BRAIN is that PHYSICAL organ within your skull. But your MIND is comprised of the cognitive, the emotional AND the spiritual aspects of your THINKING. As a result, our MIND can ENSLAVE US, or EMPOWER US. It can plunge you into the depths of DEPRESSION, or it can take you to the heights of ECSTASY!! It really all depends upon how well you have trained your mind to THINK.

Hey friends, always remember, your MIND can be strengthened just like a muscle. And whenever you feed new information into your brain, it strengthens your MIND'S ability to think and reason.
Regardless of your education, income or social stature, you are TODAY where your MIND and your THOUGHTS have brought you. And TOMORROW, you will only be where the strength of your MIND and the power of your THOUGHTS will take you!! Therefore, you MUST understand that the quantity & quality of the thoughts you allow in your MIND will have a certain POWER over YOU!! So you must always be careful WHAT and HOW you choose to THINK. Inevitably, the thoughts you THINK will determine the overall quality of your LIFE.

So I ask you, will you live your life STRESSED, or will you joyfully take on life's challenges as if you are eating DESSERTS? The choice is really up to YOU!! And it's ALL ABOUT HOW YOU TRAIN YOUR MIND!!! 😇

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