That Which Cannot Be Bought

in motivation •  6 years ago  (edited)

It can't be bartered for, traded, given, or taken. It is uniquely mine, and only I may do what I will with it.

No person is without it, it cannot be misplaced or lost. Only dormant, unused may it diminish to. It is the very force that drives me. It is buried deep within my being and permeates through me. Though it may wax or wane, at no point will I find myself without it.

The will to live.

To feel and share, to grow, touch, hold, love and laugh. To write the story of my life! To light the world around me!

We have all seen the tragedy and tale of a broken will. No man may buy it back, none may coerce it into life.

NO. It must be kindled and stoked, prodded, pushed and pulled. Until. In a moment, a second, the span of a breath, it can alight.

No thing, no single action, no book or word can do this. It is born within, and only within can it be reborn.

I will not allow my lifeforce to dwindle. I will reignite it every morning when I wake. I have no gaurantee to awake.

Who can say what path is the right one for me?


When I receive advice, I will remember this. I receive the consequences of my actions. Listen to wise advice. Act wiser.

I will compound my will upon this. In remembering this I will endow my thoughts with greater responsibility. Never again will I take for granted the ability to act. Never again shall I forget my very presence holds my will to live.

My own thoughts will seek to forget this, it is in our nature.

At all times, will I seek to remember.

I will use my resolve like a hammer upon my doubts and hesitations. These are born of fear and my will itself is fearless!

This I will remind myself. I will commit these words to my thoughts, voice and life.

I am that which cannot be bought.

**(From: The Beginning by The Writer of Age)

I would love to hear feedback!

Write on, read on, create.


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you only care about dof-t- 0/0-t-he-re- (d-) p- (a-) L-ace- d- 0f- ace-d- and the requirements for t-his-t- debt- is that you mate as dumb ass-(k-) t- 0-re- d- 0- face-d-

your -?- success -?- h ass kn 0/t ass t (h) e ad i/t

neither has your "success" put (h) in (e) a ve i.d. ~ e/b t ass p (L) a'ye i.d. (0) L (b) e (a) d ~ (h) in/n (d) ate

(n) d e/b t 0/0 L (h) e (a) ve (i)n d (g) am (e) at e

c 0/n (s) e/e k t (b) 0 w/(h) e/n t (b) e L/L (h) e'ye (a) t , ye-we-t- ass- k- t- 0/0-t-he-ad- s- (p-) ea- (k-) t- are not be (a)d 0ff t (b) u/n e/e (d) k t

(h)(d) 0 p en (t) a (i') L/L (h) e'(ye) at

what is your right to down grade my expression, based on not actually investigating the person before you even d . jack-t-ass-(k-t-) a-ye- (a-) t- ass- (k-) t- a- r- e- d/d- he-ye- (a-) t- u- b- Lack- t- a- p- ass- (k-) t- greenstar, lukestokes, quochuy, samuel douglas THESE ARE YOUR WITNESSES PAID TO KEEP JACK-T-ASS-K- T- A-BE-AD-0F-T- H-C- 0/M-P- (L-) E- A- T- (B-) U/N- E/E- (D-) K- T- HIE-VEN-D-E/B-T- A- RE- D- E/B- T- ASS- (N-) E/E- K- T-
YOU ARE NOT ACTUALLY investigating the person before you tu b e/e n (d) ea.r (t/h) d your witnesses are jack-t-ass-(k-) tu-b- Lack-t-

writer of age, on steemit downvoted me for using my eyes and applying 0/d e/b t 0 w/h 0/d (0) be (a)d 0ff r0m e'ye (i.d.) s i'd e s : my comment does not deserve a down vote, it is thoughtfull, further more, woa, writer of age, didn't leave a comment.

"writer- t- 0ff- ag- e- " downvoted my every comment. i think these are working worthy comments. in contrast to what he is down voting, his bed desire is imbecility e-a-t- 0/0-t- he- t- iLL- (e-) D- his fiction is only -e- s- (m-) a- id- to look and to s-t-(e-) aLL-(h-)d- e/b- t- ass- (k-) tu-be- t- (h-) a- w/-a-r-e-d- t-he-t- can only keep his masculinity and desire and "creative capacity" if he isn't really lending 0 value w/e i.d. e/b t ass (k) t a r(h) e a.d. but you do understand the dunder -e-d-0f-t- preference for his-t-debt- 0-s/s- (0-)t- is so he can keep going in self -congratulate-d mediocrity , with no interference he would lent inn ye (a) t. why ? b.c. his fake face- d- and e-g-(u-) e- s/s- t- u- re- d- needs red character reference to all-a- w/-he-ye- (a-) t- 0ff- t- 0/0-t-he-re- (d-0-) f-ace-d- he is using women as the "men-d" he doesn't give an honest fuck in life, and doesn't want a buck t 0ff 0'r (e'ye) i/t . i am saying, his creativity is soundly resting on squatting on w(h) 0/m e/n d (0ff) at e sustainable ad e/b t 0/0 t/h f ace (t/h) a.d. e ve (in)n (d) ate . so you understand why he down votes me, it is to maintain his fiction-nail-lend- e/b-t-ass- (k-) tu-be-d- be wise women

you are plagarizing 0/d ew/e i.d.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

you didn't come from love to make it stay. your wife is at f-(all-) t- for letting ye-w/e- t- (b-) rig- ht- 0/n- e/n-e-me-ye- (a-) t- (b-) 0/0- (k-) t- h- f- ace- d- 0- w/-(h-) r- i/t- (e-) in- (d-) e/e-d- 0f- t- he- g/g- (u-) e-s/s- (t-) at- (b-) e- L/L- (he-) ye- a- c- he- r/r- (e-) d- he- t- a- re- (a-) p- (a-) L-ace- d- 0f- ace- d- (h-) e- aLL- t- a- re- d/d- he-ye- w/-he-ye- (a-) t- ass- (m-) at- e-ye- (a-) t-

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

you are a jack-t-ass-(k-) t-a- r-e-d- making s- (h-) i/t- (he-ad-) up- e- d- with no one you would have t 0 w/h 0 re a L/L (D) at (h) e a.d.

just say inn

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

"le-t-s" wax and wane for only the altar ye-w/00-d- 0- w/-he-t- ass- k- t- he- s- (e-) am-e- (n-) d- e/b- t- (b-) ass- (k-) t- 0/n- e- d- (s-) am-e-(n-)d-

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

[-]xubrnt (1) · 27 minutes ago
you are a jack-t-ass-(k-) t-a- r-e-d- making s- (h-) i/t- (he-ad-) up- e- d- with no one you would have t 0 w/h 0 re a L/L (D) at (h) e a.d. ~ debt (b) as (k/t) s up t . ye-w/-he-t- d id kn 0/t (h/c) a re (ye) a.d. debt ass (m) u ch t ~ 0ff t/h (b) (r) 0ugh t ~ (h/c) a r/r e'ye (id) s (L) 0/t ~ t 0/0 t/h (a)d s (p) ea (k) t (ass) up t

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ye-we- only care about what the h-and- (L-) e- (f-) t- h- (c-) an- d- e/b- t- ass- k- t- (h-) a- (s/s-) p- Luck- t- (a-) b- (0-) u- t/t- (h-) e-re- e- L/L- (h-) and- 0/u- (be-) t-

ass-k- t- 0- w/- h0- re- (d-) sir-e- d- am-0/u-(n-) t- he-ad- 0/u- (be-) t-