Try not to be an extension to their objective, don't be an entryway to their fantasies, don't be a pathway for their objectives, act naturally, draw your fantasies, compose your expectations, and demonstrate your means, you are your most significant need, however you are altogether your needs .. You are brimming with mind and develop in religion, and your declaration is 1,000,000 tributes for me, deal with yourself. On the off chance that they bring down your capacity in the state, show them your capacity to lead.
Try not to permit anybody to alter the pages of your life, don't give up your life book to somebody who consumes it, seize with your assurance your scratch pad .. furthermore, who gives himself the option to slap you and control you, slap him and his pleasantness .. The one who wears the dishdasha is a liberated individual .. the conspicuous man is a liberated individual.
Your worth doesn't lie in the way that you are the dad of the female, her sibling, or her child, as they guarantee, nor on the grounds that you are her better half, maternal uncle, or uncle, as they might suspect, yet rather your worth that you are a free, autonomous and equivalent individual with equivalent rights and obligations ... They beguile you that behind each extraordinary man is a lady, that it is only a reassurance, not Be behind somebody, don't be before anybody, act naturally ... Free your wrist from the shackles of society and ensure that behind the effective man is a day to day existence liberated from female impact and every one of her allurements ..
To my sibling Zakaria
As far as you might be concerned, old buddy
To every one of the offspring of the world
Try not to be an extension to anyone..Do not be a moving stepping stool that the passers-by step and don't ask.