in motivational •  7 years ago 

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We all want to be happy, many at times we go extra mile to secure an happiness but all attempt seems void.

But what exactly are we lacking why is it so difficult to be happy this days, why are we struggling to be happy. Mind you when you are not happy you loose focus and when you are not focus you won't be productive.

How then can we find an everlasting happiness, undiluted happiness , happiness that satisfies the soul. Choose to be in an environments and around people that will increase your tendencies of been happy.

Take some time out to know what keeps u lively, stay true to yourself, define your happiness, be positive and never bring your past negativity into you present life, look out for others happiness. you deserve to be happy

The persons who become the happiest and grow the most are those who stay true and make their own personal growth a primary values."
Stay blessed
Photo source @stacey31

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Nice one,,, looking gorgeous and lively!

Deep words and thoughts, keep it up