- I watch this video everyday once before starting study. Theres a reason , try it you will find.
This video really help me. its inspired me for my future.. I glad that u made this video.. really proud of u. please continues making inspirational video for people..
You might believe that if you don’t take risks then you wouldn’t be able to fail. Imagine this if Michael Jordan was afraid to fail when he shoots then he wouldn’t be where he is or if Steve Jobs was afraid that people wouldn’t like his invention he wouldn’t have made the iphone or the ipad or the imac or any of the i things he would have stopped because he was scared of failure. When a teacher says only a small percent of kids pass the test then you don’t give up thinking your not smart enough to be in that percentage because if you try then there will always be a higher chance of you making it. What if you were afraid of falling then what? Would you never walk or run again NO so if you're afraid or failing then you're never gonna actually try to achieve your dreams and goals. If you're thinking of life as an obstacle course that you can just walk around the the outside, well then my friend i'm sorry to say then you're going to be more unworthy more forgotten more lonely and sad because you're going to be too scared of what really matters and that's trying, try that's all you have to do so DO IT try this try that don’t avoid it in case of failing and embarrassing yourself just go for it you might fail once or ten times or 100 times but if you get back up raise her head then your gonna succeed sooner than later. Get back on your feet go again try again their are gonna be people on the sideline cheering for your mistakes and all no matter what because the ones you love will always be there for you, and so what if one or two or three leave then don’t give up because some people stopped believing in you because as long as you are believing in yourself then you’ll make it becuase your opinion is the only opinion that should matter to you. ~Gracie McDowell