in motivational •  7 years ago 


Have any of you ever set up your alarm clock to wake up in the morning? i am sure u all have. Of course , i m not asking how many of you have been successful in waking up after the alarm goes. Its quite amazing to see the different reactions of different individuals when alarm goes.

Some guys,when the alarm rings,they are so deep in their sleep ,practically in the state of slumber that everyone around them wakes up but these guys are fast asleep,that's called -the sleepers.

The second type are those , who when the alarm rings,say"let me sleep for five minutes more". These guys profusely express their gratitude to god for having inspired that gentleman who invented the snooze button. I am sure some of you are nodding. When people keep just snoozing five more minutes,another five minutes,but at least these guys,at the fourth or the fifth snooze wake up.I call these guys-the snoozers.

The third category is of those guys,who at the first ring of the alarm wake up,they continue sitting in their bed though, completely confused,lost asking themselves,who am i? What is the purpose of my life? why did i set the alarm in the first place?" and then conveniently they turn the alarm off and go back to sleep again. I call these guys -the fallers.

And the fourth guys are those,who when they hear the alarm,the first ring,actually wake up,get out of bed and hit the floor to start with their day to day activities. I call these guys-the wakers.
Dear steemians, my question to all of you is,which one of these four are you ? in terms of actually waking up when the alarm rings.

Lets start going to level 4,i call them-the wakers,who actually wake up as soon as the alarm rings. Spiritual wisdom is like an alarm. The alarm of spiritual wisdom is meant to awaken us internally,so that we can make proper choices. We can think right,do right and live right. And when this spiritual wisdom alarm clock rings, there are four types of reactions again.

1st are the sleepers. They keep hearing the alarm but they are in such a start of deep slumber and ignorance, that they don't hear at all. In fact they just continue with their old ways ,they continue making wrong choices,they dont even bother about transforming themselves or the inner awakening.

2nd the snoozers. Those who when they hear the alarm clock, spiritual wisdom, they say,'yes, we will change ,we must change ,we want to change ,we have to change, not today though,tomorrow". Snooze,snooze they keep postponing=the snoozers.

3rd type are the tallers. When spiritual wisdom and awakening comes to them,they actually wake up,they start changing,they start living right,they start doing right. But then , for reason they go back to their old ways ,wrong ways ,complacent ways,lethargic ways,not so right ways-the fallers.
And the last type is the wakers. These are those people ,who when spiritual wisdom is heard by them,they wake up. Awaken and start the process of transformation and change by the earliest. Yes guys , all of us have to be wakers. We don't want to be sleepers, snoozers or fallers,we want to be wakers. when the alarm of spiritual wisdom rings,let us all take that awakening very seriously. Think right speak right do right live right.

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Till then happy steeming.....!!

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true lines,,very inspiring,,@rockyhandsome