Don’t believe in 100% you have to believe in your need of just 1%.

in motivational •  7 years ago 

Hello, friend, I am here share you Don’t believe in 100% you have to believe in your need of just 1%. We always look the possibility of 100% where you think that in which you have 100% possibility and you try to make it your goal .but the reality is our need is only 1% to be successful.

If we decide to chase anything or your goal we think or look at how many possibilities we have to reach or achieve your goal.

Don’t believe in 100% you have to believe in your need of just 1%.

There is not 100% possibility if you don’t or fail to achieve your goal .there is no meaning of any possibility if you are unavailable to make or achieve your goal.

Possibility purpose is to that if we look about 1% possibility and make it or convert to your success than it becomes a 100% possibility.

All thing that you have is how much you belief on you .and we all know that if you believe on yourself automatically your confidence grow strong.

Once your confidence goes strong you can convert 1% possibility into 100% .it all in your belief .once your belief make a space in your mind their nothing impossible to for you.

Don’t start your journey with complicated ideas, your proposal to your goal should be clear don’t have hesitation about your self.

Encourage yourself not from outside you have to encourage yourself from inside also. make the things happen as you want it.

Start your journey with a positive approach .think about positive don’t make an excuse of negative thought .lets your belief be positive about your thought.

Therein the dictionary, nothing is a return that a person who thinks about 100% possibility make him success full to achieve their goal.

If you have the possibility of 1% then you also be a success to achieve your goal, you have to just convert your 1% possibility into 100%. and you can convert it when you are serious about your goal.
Three type of possibility we assume

*possibility when we saw from other advice. :-we have seen that many of people follow others advice and they look about their possibility from others .we don’t have any option to change it and we have only other people advice to make you or achieve your goal.

*possibility when we saw from other people following:- Some time we follow other successful people and want to be like them and have advice from them, and have a question in your mind, that can you become like them? Do I have the possibility to achieve that goal?.

*possibility when we saw with your own:- Possibility when we look our own self when we decide to make things to happen and day by day you have been too strong with your possibility and built a great confidence and you behave like an achiever.

We don’t have anything to achieve if don’t look about look at our possibility, all mankind have something different to do with others.

But their possibility is also different from others, some people think that they have more possibility to achieve their goal in the first attempt and some of them think they don’t have too many possibilities to achieve their goal and clear it in their first attempt.

It’s all about your thinking if you think harder than it goes harder and if you think easier to achieve it become easier for you.

Once your belief goes strong and converts into the confidence nothing is impossible to achieve you can convert your possibility from 1% to 100 %.

Always be confident with your work and each and every decision what make in your journey .if you have the confidence level up your goal seem closer to you.

Built an opportunity yourself own, don’t look for an opportunity comes to you and then you decide to any things to do.

First, you have to be clear about your goal once your goal is clear then you will automatically find too much opportunity and more possibility you see in your way.

Conclusion :-

There is not any measurement to measure the possibility that you have 1% or 2% it’s all about that some people want to work with calculation.

Until you are not a failure you have the full possibility to do anything, you have to work hard for it and there is nothing to achieve without doing hard work.

If your willpower and confidence level is strong than it seems too easy for you but if think you don’t have too much possibility and low confidence that it ’s become too harder for you.

It’s all about our belief, if you believe that you can do it then you have already done, while you start achieving your goal you have to first achieve yourself with belief and confidence.

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