in motivational •  7 years ago 

Without any confidence there is no any Way to be a success, there is no any meaning of hope, no strategy, what you have done to achieve your goal is meaningless and worthless.

We need the confidence to achieve our goal and confidence come from, the way you have gained your knowledge to achieve your goal.

Yes, the knowledge you gain to achieve your is confidence, it not to easy that you start today to gain knowledge and tomorrow you fulfill with confidence.

No, it’s not so easy, you have to be regular to work on it and gain knowledge about your field in which your going to
achieve your goal.

When we goal in achieving our goal always achieve.that only gain that knowledge which is necessary and useful to you to achieved your goal in which field you want to achieve .


Over confidence is the second part of the madness it always take to you to the way of success but some times you find that you somewhat that knowledge to achieve your goal .your confidence take you to the wrong track.

You only observe a knowledge to some what saticfied you .and you are always in over confidence that you can achieve it easily.

You have to many ideas to reach your goal but you can’t decide it which one you select and which one is best for your goal .and at last you see your self that your unnecessary ideas don’t let you to be success.

You will always confused which idea is better for me to be success and you can’t select better selection .you think all ideas are better to you to be success .

Its come when all work was done by you if all thing goes right in your favor without any hesitation is called a confidence and you get unbelievable success.

It brings lots of power inside you from your inner strength and thinks what you try to do you can clear in your first attempt.

Knowledge is the most invisible power in the world, but if you gain in the limit it comes with confidence and either you gain it much more than your need it become harmful to us always confused us.

It shows many possibility and ideas in our mind that is unusual for your you.


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