The definition of motivation is to give reasons, incentives, enthusiasm or interest that causes specific action or some behavior.Motivation is present in all the functions of life.Intrinsic motivation is internal.In the workforce, we can see that motivation plays a key role in leadership success. A person unable to grasp motivation and apply it will not become or remain a leader. It is imperative that anyone trying to lead or motivate understands the "Howletts Hierarchy of Work Motivators".
Salary, benefits, working conditions, supervision, politics, security, protection, membership and relationships are all externally driven needs. These are the first three levels of the "Howletts Hierarchy". When these needs are satisfied, the person goes to level four and then five. However, if levels one to three are not achieved, the person becomes dissatisfied with their job.When satisfaction is not found, the person becomes less productive and ends up quitting or getting fired. Results, advancement, recognition, growth, responsibility and the nature of work are internal motivators. These are the last two levels of the "Howletts Hierarchy". They occur when the person is motivated (after the external motivational needs have been met). An employer or leader who meets the needs of the "Howletts hierarchy" will see motivated employees and increase productivity. Understanding the definition of motivation and then applying it is one of the most common challenges faced by employers and supervisors. Companies often spend thousands of dollars each year hiring outside companies just to run motivational seminars.
Another area where motivation plays a key role is education.A teacher who implements motivational techniques will see greater participation, engagement, and higher grades. Part of the job of teachers is to provide a motivating environment. This environment represents students who lack their own internal motivation. School is one of the first places people start setting goals. Ask any adult, "What is the main thing that motivates you?" Their answer will probably be objective.Even the simplest things in life are the result of the objectives paramet