RE: Well 1 of my drives is knackered, AGAIN! Motorbike time......... & 10 degrees C, get in there.

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Well 1 of my drives is knackered, AGAIN! Motorbike time......... & 10 degrees C, get in there.

in motorbikes •  6 years ago 

Maybe for some polish girl hahah jk, I don't really know, to see how's life going on other places I guess, rent a car and get to know the country a bit and I wish I could see your wonderful workshop while trying to help and learn, gain some life experience at least but I'm a really cheap ass.
That exhaust seems to sound pretty well, still waiting some action video of those beauties, make them roar for all of us.

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The Polish women are very nice to be fair, and fit :-)
I met a few people last year, that were doing the same, touring Poland, looking for a place to be, a few stayed, a few more are coming back in June, and hey, you are welcome at my place any time you want, as are most people. :-)

Well thank you very much my friend that's an encouraging incentive, I'll let you know if I finally decide to breathe some northern air. :)

East bro east, your compass is broken lol.

Definitely, have been broken from long ago but northerly than me for sure, I can even see africa some clear days like it's calling me lol.

Africa is ace, as is Asia, when you are young. :-)

Yeah I've heard so but I've been embracing more of a grampa lifestyle lol.
