Being stuck in the mountains can be an incredibly terrifying experience if you’re not prepared, especially if you’re by yourself. Fortunately, there are some steps that you can take to ensure your survival and comfort, even when you feel completely lost and alone out in the wilderness. Use these tips as your foundation when planning your next hike through mountainous terrain, and you’ll never have to worry about getting lost again.
Before Leaving, Pack an Emergency Kit
It's always important to be prepared, especially when you're heading out on a mountain excursion. The best way to prepare is by packing an emergency kit that will keep you alive if something goes wrong. Here are some items to consider adding:
-A map of the area
-An extra layer of clothing, hat and gloves
-A compass or GPS device
-Water and snacks
-A first aid kit with various bandages and ointments
Stay Put
In some cases, if you are stuck with your vehicle and must spend the night there, it may be best to stay where you are. If you have any supplies such as a blanket or sleeping bag, this will make it easier to stay warm. Keep your exhaust pipe clear of snow so that fresh air can get into your car.
Build a Fire
The first thing you need to do is get a fire started. If you have dry tinder, it will be easier and quicker to start a fire. If not, try collecting dry leaves, grass, or pine needles. Place these items under whatever kindling you can find (dry sticks will work) and light the tinder with a match or lighter.
Look for Water
-If you're near a river, stream, or pond, it's always worth a look. Remember to only drink from sources that you know are safe to drink from.
-Rainwater is another option. If it's raining and you have some containers, collect as much rainwater as possible. Keep in mind that the water will need to be purified before it can be consumed.
-Snow can also provide water if melted and filtered correctly.
Signal For Help
There are a few things you can do to signal for help if you find yourself lost or stranded on a mountain. First, start by yelling and screaming as loud as possible. If there is anyone nearby, they will be able to hear you and hopefully come to your aid. If you have a whistle, blow into it every so often. This will help sound like an emergency alarm and people can locate you more easily.
Keep Warm at Night
It's important to keep your body temperature regulated while you sleep. Pack a warm sleeping bag and wear plenty of layers to help insulate your body from heat loss. Keep yourself dry and avoid drinking alcohol, which causes an increase in your body temperature. Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it!