Overview of the Move 2 Earn project

in moveapy •  3 years ago  (edited)


So, at this point you’ve probably heard about STEP’N and Move 2 Earn, but if not, here’s the quick explainer:

Move 2 Earn is a subset of Play 2 Earn gaming. Move 2 Earn incentivizes users to exercise, generally by rewarding them with tokens for doing so. Progress is tracked via a smartphone application, which uses some kind of combo of GPS, motion sensors, etc. to verify what it believes to be legitimate fitness activity.

STEP’N is (at time of this writing) the most successful Move 2 Earn app and the first to score wide adoption.

The ultra-basics of how the STEP’N gameplay loop works is like this:

On the STEP’N app (available on iOS or Android) you can pay Solana (or BNB on their recently-launched expansion to Binance Smart Chain) to buy an NFT sneaker, which gets you into the STEP’N ecosystem and allows you to earn. No sneaker, no earnings.

Once you have a sneaker in your inventory, you can press the big green START button in the app at any time to begin your tracked exercise.


And the Solana blockchain is being used to run this entire project. Your phone’s GPS and mobile data must be turned on in order for you to perform the action you purchased a shoe from their app in the real world, depending on the shoe you purchased. In return, you’ll receive coins, which you can then exchange for real money. You can also progress in that game by leveling up. The more money you make, the higher your level.

That’s all there is to it. That token can be used in a variety of ways. Moving on to the physical app, I’ll demonstrate how everything works. This is the Step’n app, and this is what you see when you first open it. When you open it, you’ll see a blank instead of the shoe you’re currently looking at. As you can see, I’ve paid for this shoe, so it’s there for all to see.

When you click on it, all of the information about the item will be displayed. These factors have a significant impact on the amount of money your shoe will make as you walk. Profitability is determined by how well you do your job. Repair costs are determined by a product’s resiliency.

The cost of repairs will be discussed in greater detail in the following paragraphs. But first, let’s head over here. This yellow bar shows how much tax or profit we made. This also demonstrates vigor. Every step you take has an impact on your energy level. All of the low-cost shoes at the beginning of the game are given two energy.


Here, everything is set in stone. At 6:30 and 12:30, you get 0.5 energy, which means you get it four times a day. A day’s worth of energy is equal to 2.0 watts. After pressing the start button, the game begins. And then something like this pops up. There is a burst of energy at the top.

You’ll begin to lose energy as soon as you cross this green light. and you’ll be rewarded right away. The most important thing to keep in mind is to keep the GPS signal strong. Loot boxes, which are dropped from the sky by NFTs, can also be found in these four boxes.

Go to the cart to see the price and the various styles of shoes. The market is open when you arrive. Based on Solana, Binance Smartchain will eventually be added. Solana is the foundation for all transactions until then. As a result, the lowest price of a shoe is currently 12.6 Solana.

Despite the fact that it’s a little pricey, clicking on a shoe brings up the shoe’s statistics, including its level and shoe mint. How much money your shoe will make in the future is determined by this. When a shoe’s energy and resilience are increased, its earnings rise.

Walkers, joggers, runners, and trainers can all be found here. You can get a jogger for cheap and make 4 GST per energy, which is the same as a jogger making 5 GST per energy. 6 for the runner and between 4 and 6 for the coach. You must keep up with this pace in the real world. Common, rare, epic and legendary are the five types of qualities.

When it comes to price, common is the most affordable option. Other than that, they’re pretty standard. The idea of using a bike or Active to cheat is ridiculous. 100/100 and level 9 are visible on the screen. In other words, when you’re moving, your shoe is considered to be worn out. And points are awarded based on that, with a starting value of 100 and a decreasing value thereafter.

Depletion will begin like 94, 93, and 92. In a sense, this indicates that the shoe’s durability is diminishing. And it tells you to fix it. The GST token is used once more to repair the shoe. It’s done this way, too.

Let’s go ahead and level up and repair this shoe. A box appears when you click on repair. The reason it won’t open is because mine is running at 100% right now. Another thing to consider is progressing through the levels.

When you reach level 5, you can start purchasing shoes from the market. As you progress through the game’s levels, your daily income grows as well. In order to maintain their status, the majority of people work hard and save their money. You want to know how much money I’m making now, right? This is the most basic and inexpensive shoe in the walker category.

  • 1.Advertising/Partnerships — This seems like the most obvious one. Run ads, partner with fitness companies, put the money into the ecosystem. There’s all sorts of clever ways to do this (ie STEP’N recently releasing ASICS-branded sneakers and it’s a surefire way aid in value creation in a non-Ponzi-like matter.

  • 2.Make the game so fun that a % of the population spends more money because they genuinely enjoy it — This is obviously a tough hurdle for Play 2 Earn games, since earning is the whole point, but lots of options exist here to at least drive additional value creation. One example: Cosmetics that are superfluous to the gameplay itself. What if you could “reskin” your shoes with fancier versions for a fee and show them off, much like Fortnite players buy skins for their characters? STEP’N already has a big group of passionate users and I’d argue they’d welcome show-offy purchases like this with open arms.

3.Make the game part of a wider ecosystem, where other parts outside of the main game drive value creation — This seems to be what Step App is attempting to do (they will be launching a subnet on Avalanche devoted to fitness) and they’ve already announced a partnership with Untold Festival (which includes building a seasonal “dance2earn” app). Presumably they have other ideas in the pipe, and perhaps some of these ideas will ultimately create more value than they destroy.

Could these three things sustain a Play 2 Earn economy in perpetuity? I dunno, honestly. But these are the kinds of things these games should be exploring if they don’t want to go the route of Axie Infinity and other numerous Play 2 Earn failures.

What else exists in this space besides STEP’N?

  • Step App — Competitor launching on Avalanche. So far appears to be a pretty shameless STEP’N clone, but the app hasn’t launched yet, the base game is compelling enough to copy, and there’s plenty of room to innovate and iterate on what STEP’N built. Has attracted a lot of early interest in their FITFI token. If STEP’N is too expensive for your tastes now, I’d be watching this one.

  • Genopets — I honestly haven’t looked deeply into this one as I hear it won’t be launching for awhile. Seems to be some kind of Pokemon-like game combined with move2earn mechanics?

  • Sweatcoin — This is a little different from the other projects: For one, you don’t need to buy anything to participate. This app already exists on smartphones and rewards users with in-app tokens they can spend on various products/services, but they will be transitioning to crypto via an initial minting process this summer (one SWEAT token for every SweatCoin you own at launch.) Token will be run on the NEAR blockchain, which I (embarrassingly) know nothing about.

My hunch is that these SWEAT tokens won’t be worth much since (at least so far) there’s no value creation via users having to put skin in the SWEAT token game via buying NFTs, etc. Also, US users are disallowed from participating (but with a little cheeky ingenuity and some Google searching you can find a way to get around this.)

Contact Information

Username: Bidadari_surga
Bitcointalk Profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1011291
Telegram Username: @Bidadari26
BSC wallet address: 0xBd706dD25c38c5502DbB2B254bFA6bbD54b8F8d3

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