Every movement contains a variety of people with a diverse range of mental aptitude.

in movements •  10 months ago 


The "free-Palenstine" movement is no different.

The thing is, I am applying Hanlon's razor in my assessments of you people who insist that you're just critical of Israel, and that you don't hate Jews.

Obviously, there are a lot of people who are saying the quiet part loud, and have been for the last six month. The thing is, Hamas has been saying the quiet part loud since 2006.

So, if you've demonstrated to me that you're a complete fucking moron, I can more easily believe that you don't hate Jews, and you're just a pawn in the anti-Jew game.

The higher IQ you demonstrate, the less I can attribute to stupidity, and the more I have to attribute to malice.

It's not just that we all know what will happen if Israel loses. Every educated person knows that Hamas's charter calls, not just for the death of Israel, but for the eradication of the Jews. The charter is public. You can read it.

We also know what will happen with a ceasefire -- the same thing that happened after the last ceasefire. From day one, Hamas said that October 7th was going to happen repeatedly.

Smart people can logically figure out what a ceasefire being called before Hamas is gone means. It means that the moment Hamas regroups, they're gonna pull this shit again, which will result in Israel responding again.

Morons might be short-sighted enough to just see the carnage that's happening now. Smart people know that Israel winning now will eventually save lives in the long run -- both Jewish and Arab.

Dumb people may honestly think that a Two State Solution is a thing. Smart people know that the Jews have been accepting of and independent Palestinian state since thirty years before Israel existed. Smart people know that Bill Clinton expressed to Arafat that his refusal to come to a peace agreement with Israel led to the greatest failure of his administration. Smart people know that Hamas makes Arafat look like Ghandi.

As I've said -- there's no such thing as a Two State Solution when one side wants The Final Solution.

Smart people know these things. They know what Hamas has said, that they love death more than the Jews love life.

They're perfectly happy to passionately call for policies that give Hamas what they love -- as many dead Jews as possible, even at the cost of Muslim lives.

It seems to me that that's Naziesque hatred toward Jews. To be so passionately supportive of dead Jews that you're willing to keep Muslims in the meat grinder in order to get at the Jews.

If you cared about the people of the Gaza, you'd be spending your time calling on Hamas to surrender, and for Iran to cut off funding, and for Qatar to extradite the leaders of Hamas for judgement in Israel. Smart people know that this would stop the fighting immediately and save thousands of lives. Still, you're focusing your ire on Israel.

So, make it make sense. If you're a smart person, you should be able to make this make sense.

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