Honest Movie Reviews: Mother! (2017)

in movie •  7 years ago 


★★★○○○○○○○ [ 3/10 ]

I didn't like this movie at all. I really tried to give it a chance but it was just too inconsistent. Things just happened as if causality didn't exist. Nothing is really explained in the movie. None of the protagonists have actual goals that drive them. They just do things but there is no real motivation behind any of their actions. For the fans of this movie I have the following to say; watch the movie again and then ask yourself "what drives the protagonists?". I don't want to spoil the movie so I'll refrain from going on a lengthy tangent, but my criticism is well-deserved.

Throughout the movie the "mother" is being ignored by her husband. Seriously, no woman would actually take this much emotional abuse. Her husband is completely indifferent towards her or her emotional needs. If you think that such a toxic relationship is "realistic" you must be out of your mind. Now that I think about it; this movie is probably the epitome of a male chauvinists wet dream.

p.s. I am well aware that the movie was supposed to be some sort of artsy fartsy modern interpretation of the bible but as anyone with a working pair of eyes will see the movie did the exact opposite of what I presume was intended; it showed how utterly ridiculous biblical themes were when they're transposed into modern times.

Final verdict: Some of Aranofsky's movies are my favorites but this one is not one of them. It's too incoherent and doesn't make any sense. The pacing is totally off; sometimes too fast, sometimes too slow but never quite right.

IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5109784/

Ontology: #movie #review #Aranofsky #JenniferLawrence #JavierBardem #bible #symbolism #modern #supernatural #drama #mystery

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