Taking Lives - My Review

in movie •  5 years ago 

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Fancy a little thriller about a serial killer? "Taking Lives" is simply there for that. Although, I wouldn't say that the second film of DJ Caruso is a great film of this kinda genre, we are even quite far from it, but on the whole, Taking Lives lets itself be looked at, and defects and qualities combined.

Taking Lives is the kind of film that has its cachet and above all, it is the kind of film, which i feel, is made with honesty and passion. I feel that D.J. Caruso wants to offer a dark show that would be nourished by mysteries and suspense. "Taking Lives" is the kind of film that makes cinema proposals that are interesting, even if they are not all successful. DJ Caruso offers there, a staging which is classic, but which sometimes remains very effective, and which will even come to see its share of striking scenes, its opening, its conclusion and Angelina Jolie in a hole, a chase. .. In short, there are good ideas and good things in this film.

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