Spoiler-free review - Star Wars The Last Jedi

in movie •  7 years ago 

(image credit : Lucasfilm Ltd.)

 When I found you, I saw raw, untamed power... and beyond that, something truly special. 

One of my most anticipated movie of 2017, last night I have finally watched Star Wars : The Last Jedi (TLJ) at Cheras Sentral with a few friends including @azlan96 and @jun04035. Did it live up to the hype? was it a worthy addition to the Star Wars canon? read on to find out. No worries, I will keep this review spoiler-free.

The Force Awakens (TFA) ended on a hopeful note, with Rey finally finding Luke Skywalker and passing his old lightsaber to him (or rather, Vader's original lightsaber). As the credit rolled, the popular assumption is that this signifies that Luke will join the Resistance in the struggle against the First Order.

(image credit : Lucasfilm Ltd.)

Well, as we have heard Luke said in the TLJ trailers, "This is not going to go the way you think."

This seems to be a running theme for this movie. There are a few plot threads running simultaneously, all of which would at first follow a predictable path until suddenly it takes a sharp corner and turns the plot on it's head. In some instances it almost felt as though the filmmakers are deliberately proving every speculations about TLJ on the Internet wrong. While the overall plot was concluded with a generally satisfactory outcome; Some of the subplots were clumsy, too convenient and un-elegantly closed, almost to point that I felt that it was too Deus Ex Machina-ish. 

I understand the need to create tension, but the resolutions are devoid of the payoff they seem to lead to, ending with a "Meehhh" isntead of a "Wow". It's hard to root for the heroes when they lack the foresight to carry their plan through, and their success all boils down to sheer luck instead of smart planning.

(image credit : Lucasfilm Ltd.)

As mentioned, plot twists are aplenty. While they advance the story and the roles of some characters, but it is not emotionally profound and their motivation felt forced.

What I do like is that the status quo established in TFA has changed. The balance of power, the leadership, the main characters have undergone quite a lot of development. What this film lack in profound plot moments like the I-am-your-father scene in The Empire Strikes back, it makes up with significant character growth for the large ensemble cast, most of which made me more vested in their story and eager to see what they will do in the next movie, which is no small feat.

The film also pays homage and callbacks to the previous films, with mentions of familiar names and plotlines by a few character. This ties the previous films to this new far-far-away-galaxy, and how the actions and plots from those films affected the characters of this new trilogy.

(image credit : Lucasfilm Ltd.)

The visual effects are top notch as expected from ILM, the space battles are especially gorgeous (A-wings!!). John Williams has also delivered once again for the Star Wars franchise - I particularly enjoyed a snippet of the sountrack during the final battle that paid homage to the original film's Falcon vs TIE scene.

(image credit : Lucasfilm Ltd.)

When you enter the cinema for this film, you must first forego any expectations of familiarity with the original trilogy and the prequels. This is still an action adventure scifi film like it's original 1977 film, but that's where the similiarity ends. Like the new Star Treks, this is a film made for the millenial audience - the action, pacing and humor has been turned up to 11. TLJ opens with an explosive space battle and from there it is akin a non-stop chase movie that slows down to deliver the token exposition, then rushes off to the next plot point. This is not the only movie in recent years to conform to such structure especially for tentpole releases. I see this as a sign of times where audience attention spans are limited and requires constant stimulation to stay with the narrative. I personally don't mind these changes, but purists might be incensed by the lack of depth and focus on flashy eye candy. 

Let's face it, the original films aren't exactly masterpieces, but it succeeds in telling an exciting and intriguing tale - this one is no different, but from an even shallower depth. I did enjoy most of the humor, but I am the type that is easily entertained. The exchange between the Poe Dameron and General Hux early in the film made me chuckle, if only to see the pompous Hux found himself flabbergasted against Dameron's irreverence.

(image credit : Lucasfilm Ltd.)

I give it a 6.5/10. It is a flawed movie that dutifully deliver the goods as a hollywood blockbuster film. It's not terrible - but there are so many missed opportunities that makes it far from being brilliant. 

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Thanks for the none spoilers spoiler. I will buy 1 ticket for waifu, ask her go watch by herself la.

lol why so bad hahaha

The review is not so bad. Keep it up bro.

Thanks for reading @zobair !