DEADPOOL 2- Movie Review

in movie •  6 years ago 


hi I'm KJLIKER my initial review reaction first impressions of Deadpool 2 - I was really nervous going at Deadpool - because Deadpool was such an amazing thing of being able to create this r-rated superhero movie filled with fourth-wall breaking meta references and humor and once you kind of get that to work once do you want to go back there I was really nervous that either they would not be able to do the same kind of thing at the first one or they might go too far into it and do too much of that because it worked the first time to the point where it becomes over indulgence it still finds that nice balance of giving you all the stuff you love from the first one the action the comedy the meta references the break in the fourth wall all that is still there the raunchiness the r-rated superhero fest and it needs to be lots of violence lots of blood but just like the first movie it also has a lot of heart into it there's some heart with Deadpool and Wade and his relationship with Vanessa there's this new kid that comes along and then cables trying to get him and there's a whole big thing that goes on with that so I think it was really cool that once again they're able to find that nice balance between the two which makes sense we got Josh Brolin in here but yeah man there's a lot of fourth law-breaking humor in this a lot of references particularly references to other superhero movies now that Deadpool 2 is a more established franchise they feel like they're a little bit more comfortable taking some potshots to some of the other superhero movie franchises some of the ones that we would also make fun of and then even some of the ones that you're saying hey those are doing well and even Deadpool is gonna be like yeah going well but we got to get a shot at them as well we got an equal-opportunity attack against all the superheroes they even make fun of themselves even make fun of the x-men franchise which leads to a very hilarious joke that I will not reveal here but all I'm gonna say is just like the first movie keep your eyes and your ears open the entire movie because there are some great jokes that are said really quickly and there's some great visual gags that might happen in the background.


I can't think of Deadpool without thinking of Ryan Reynold he's just great as Deadpool I mean I don't know what's gonna happen this character if he ever decides that he doesn't want to do this anymore because he just knows that character so well he knows when to play the action side of him to play the comedy side of him he knows when exactly to break the fourth wall am i no lie that has to do with the writing as well but it just is so cool to see that he really gets this character and especially since we already had him play this character in the earlier movie and not know that well it's nice to see how it's happening again and it just continues with this movie Josh Brolin is great as cable and he's not Thanos is a completely different character and it just shows the range that Josh Brolin has to be able to play another character in the Marvel Universe and to be a completely different character than Thanos I thought he did greatest cable I thought cable and it all together was really good if you know the comments you'd kind of know how it's probably turned out but it was just nice to see their interaction throughout the course of the movie.


but the breakout star for me was as he beats as dominoed I like just the way that she plays Domino very fun very quirky and very much like hey I know I'm lucky because I saw her power she has the ability of being lucky and what's awesome about that is it gave some creativity to the background whenever she's doing an action sequence because it's not just her fighting or her doing something but it's also the things that happen around her that is useful to her so really like her character and really hope to see more of her in the future the x-force characters that you see in the movie they're really cool Russell the kid that Deadpool is trying to save course has a foul mouth there's only one character that comes back that's not in the movie a whole lot but even still I would've been like bring a little bit less but that happens I would say that some of the characters trying to get pushed the background a little bit like negasonic teenage warhead there's not a lot of her in the movie or at least not as much as I want to warn I really liked her a lot in the first movie and I think her interactions with Deadpool are really fun so I would like to see more of that you did get a good amount of Colossus just about as much as I would say you got of him in the first movie and he's just as great as always and just like how Deadpool one was able to bring Colossus back into the franchise and do him right they may have done that again I will not say but it was like a nice surprise to see they actually did I think did this character right even more so this time however there is a moment that happened it's kind of in the middle of the movie that is kind of a WTF moment when it comes to these characters and it's something that I personally thought was absolutely hilarious but if you're one of these people who were been trying to do theories and aspec you about the future of the franchise and x-force and Deadpool and this that and the other some of you might not like you may have some issues with it that's as far as I'm gonna go about it because I don't want to spoil anything but I'm just curious how people react to this part because I was like whoa it was it was initial shock and then I was cracking up the entire time unless I kind of get what was going on.

so we'll see how you feel and stay through the credits there's some fun stuff that happens in the credits again I will not spoil but is hilarious and again some great great meta humor nice to go into a movie that was like we're gonna have fun we're having a good time and we're gonna be violent and raunchy and gory and silly and jokey and the movie itself is really good as well and yes I am in New York yes I gotta go to premiere blah blah whatever don't pull that shit on me I really enjoy this movie more critical of this movie because of the sequel and it does some sequel things you know it gives you more of what you remember from the first one it bloats it up a little bit with a little bit more characters off-color humor there's a couple of ones that they kind of repeat and I wish they didn't really do that too much but I still had a blast with it I had so much fun with it can't wait to see it again better not bring kids but but for you already superhero fans I think you're gonna have a good time and I look forward to seeing what happens with Deadpool and everything else with this franchise as it continues or supposedly get bought by Disney who knows gonna happen this wait but at least right now does enjoy what we got let me know if you are planning going to see Deadpool - are you excited for this movie.

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Very interesting! I like this movie.
